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ECP Schedule

Invitation for Abstract Submission

For the past three years, Evolutionary Computation in Industry (ECI) track at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) has invited many managers, technology scouts and practitioners to participate in presentations and discussions describing how evolution-related technologies are being used to solve real-world problems (see, and In 2005, we will continue this tradition of project presentations and panel discussions from members in industry. Additionally, we want to expand our scope to include presentations by representatives from governmental agencies, non-profit organizations and others in the public sectors. Moreover, a new topic on bridging academic training and real-world usage of evolution-related technologies is introduced. To reflect these changes, we rename the track as Evolutionary Computation in Practice (ECP), indicating that it will become a forum to discuss issues related to practical application of Evolutionary Computation.

We invite you to present work that employs evolution-related technologies to solve real-world problems. We are accepting one to two page abstracts for review, with the following themes:
· Real-world application success story;
· Real-world application lessons learned;
· Academic case study in real-world applications;
· Expectations of academic training from industry;

The subject domains include, but not limited to the following:
· Biomedical;
· Design;
· Energy and Resource;
· Finance;
· Government and Military;
· Academic training for real-world applications;

The applied technology can be any evolution-related algorithms or its hybrid with other techniques. For a list of evolution-related technologies, please navigate this website. Examples of other technologies are simulated annealing, tabu search, neural network, fuzzy logic, statistical modeling, and decision trees.

Submission deadline: January 31, 2005

Electronic submission is sent to:

Tina Yu (ChevronTexaco Information Technology Company)
Cem Baydar (Accenture)

Advisory Committee:
David Davis, NuTech Solutions,
Rajkumar Roy, Cranfield University,
Mark Jakiela, Washington University in St. Louis,

PDF file- click here

Frequently Asked Questions:

The Invitation for Abstract Submission solicited a one- to two-page abstract for review. Are these abstracts in lieu of, or in addition to, submission of a full-length paper to the GECCO conference itself?

- ECP abstracts review is independent of GECCO papers review. Unlike the main conference which only accepts papers with high technical quality, ECP presentations place emphasis on deploying solutions for real-world problems. Depending on the application area of the work, the abstract is reviewed by the session organizer, who decides if the work suits the ECP theme and invite the authors to present the work.

I've already prepared a 6-page paper. Would submission of this paper (rather than an abstract) be acceptable?

- Yes.

Will abstracts accepted for the ECP track be published as full papers (i.e., 8-10 pages) in the GECCO Proceedings?

- No. Since ECP abstracts are not reviewed the same way as that of GECCO papers, they will not be published in the GECCO Proceedings. Previously, we either have published ECP abstracts/papers in a separate volume or published the power point presentations with GECCO Workshop Proceedings in a CD. We have not decided how we will handle publications this year.

What is the relationship between the ECP track and the Real World Applications track, if any?

- The Real-World Applications track at GECCO accepts papers with high technical quality like that of the other GECCO track papers. The ECP track is generally suitable for researchers and managers from industry, who have less time to spend writing a complete technical paper but still would like to relate a significant success in using the technology to solve a real-world problem. Therefore, if academic publication is important to you, we suggest that you submit your papers to the GECCO real-world applications track.

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