FOGA 2007
Foundations of
Genetic Algorithms IX
Mexico City, 8-11 January 2007


Please see the final program as pdf.

The proceedings are now published with Springer as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4436). Please visit this link.

slides to some talks:

Reinhard Bürger
  • Recent Developments in Theoretical Population Genetics - Part I
  • Part II
  • Jim Shapiro
  • Part I: Is there such a thing as a gene? - Formatting the genome for protein synthesis
  • Part II: What does a genome have to do? - Genome function and organization
  • Part III: How does genetic change happen? - Natural genetic engineering of genome structure
  • Public Lecture: The irony of molecular biology: informatics replaces mechanics
  • see also the related paper Genome Informatics: The Role of DNA in Cellular Computations
  • Adam Prügel-Bennett
    Approximate Markov Model for a Finite Population Genetic Algorithms
    Silja Meyer-Nieberg & Hans-Georg Beyer
    Mutative Self-Adaptation on the Sharp and Parabolic Ridge
    Darrell Whitley
    FOGA and THEORY: Past, Present, Future
    Peter F. Stadler
    The RNA World, Fitness Landscapes, and all that
    Thomas Jansen
    On the Brittleness of Evolutionary Algorithms
    Tomas Gedeon, Christina Hayes & Richard Swanson
    Generic Finiteness of the Fixed Point Set for the Infinite Population Genetic Algorithm
    Christoph Flamm, Ivo Hofacker, Bärbel Stadler & Peter Stadler
    Saddles and Barriers in Lanscapes of Generalized Search Operators
    Alberto Moraglio & Riccardo Poli
    Inbreeding Properties of Geometric Crossover and Non-geometric Recombinations
    Chris Stephens & Jorge Cervantes
    Just what are `building blocks'?
    Keki Burjorjee
    Sufficient Conditions for Coarse-Graining Evolutionary Dynamics
    FOGA Round Table

    One of the main reasons the FOGA series of conferences has had a large impact in the field of Evolutionary Computation has been its distinct profile as the only conference dedicated to theoretical issues of a "foundational" nature - both conceptual and technical. In this FOGA conference and in keeping with this tradition special attention will be paid to the biological foundations of Evolutionary Computation. The essential mathematical structure behind many Evolutionary Algorithms is that familiar from population genetics whose basic elements have been around now for at least 70 years. The last 20 years or so however, have witnessed huge changes in our understanding of how genomes and other genetic structures work due to a plethora of new experimental techniques and results. How does this new phenomenology change our understanding of what genetic systems do and how they do it? and how can we design "better" ones.

    The first 2 days of FOGA (8-9 January, 2007) will be a workshop which will consist of organized discusions built around sets of lectures given by two world authorities on the "old" biology and the "new" biology - Reinhard Burger and Jim Shapiro. The idea is that by a careful presentation of the main ideas, a useful transfer of knowledge of the latest developments and understanding of genetic dynamics in biology will be fruitful for the Evolutionary Computation community in better understanding and designing artificial genetic systems. In particular we will address the questions:

    It is also hoped that there may be a corresponding cross-fertilization from Evolutionary Computation into both the "old" and "new" genetic dynamics using computation as a paradigm, as well as in terms of specific theoretical results.

    A more detailed program of the first two days will follow shortly.

    The last two days (10-11th of FOGA IX will be dedicated to the presentation of results from selected submissions to the conference and will cover all areas of Evolutionary Computation. Darrell Whitley ( will start with an overview of the "state-of-the-art" in Evolutionary Computation.

    A more detailed program of the first two days will follow shortly.