Friday, March 23, 2007: |
Workshop Papers submission deadline |
Friday, March 30, 2007: |
Accepted Workshop Paper authors notified |
Wednesday, April
Camera-ready files submission deadline |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007: |
Conference registration deadline for authors presenting
workshop papers |
of the workshops will be published on CD-ROM, and distributed
at the conference.
Workshops will be held on Saturday, July 7 and Sunday, July
8, 2007.
View the workshops schedule.
send inquiries regarding
workshops by e-mail to
the workshop
chair Tina Yu - .
Call for workshop proposals closed on 15 November 2006.
ready file preparation and submission instructions
Swarms: The Second Decade
Riccardo Poli - , Jim
Kennedy - , Tim
Blackwell - and
Alex Freitas -
Duration: Half Day
[ summary | details ]
Software for Applied Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Jason H. Moore -
[ summary | details ]
Optimization by Building and Using Probabilistic Models
Kumara Sastry - ,
Martin Pelikan -
Duration:Half Day
[ summary | details ]
Student Workshop
Anikó Ekárt -
[ summary | details ]
Undergraduate Student Workshop
Laurence Merkle - , Clare
Bates Congdon - & Frank
Moore -
Duration: Half Day
[ summary | details ]
Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization Problems
Peter A.N. Bosman - and Jürgen
Branke -
Duration: Half
[ summary | details ]
Parallel Bioinspired Algorithms
Francisco Fernández
- and Erick
Cantú-Paz -
Duration: Half Day
[ summary | details ]
Classifier Systems
Jaume Bacardit - , Ester
Bernadó-Mansilla - , Martin
V. Butz -
Duration: Full Day
[ summary | details ]
Evolutionary Computation and Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation
Bill Rand - , Sevan
G. Ficici -
Duration: Half Day
[ summary | details ]
Petroleum Applications of Evolutionary Computation
Alexandre Castellini - , Charles
Guthrie - , David
Wilkinson - , Burak
Yeten - , Tina
Yu -
Duration: Half Day
[ summary | details ]
Defense Applications of Computational Intelligence
Frank Moore - , Laurence
D. Merkle - , Stephen
C. Upton -
Duration: Full Day
[ summary | details ]
of Natural and Artificial Systems - Metaphors and Analogies
in Single and Multi-Objective Problems
Ami Moshaiov - ,
Steven Hecht Orzack, Joshua Knowles
Duration: Half Day
[ summary | details ]
Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Stephen L. Smith - ,
Stefano Cagnoni -
Duration: Half-day
[ summary | details ]
- Foundations and cross cutting issues in Search Based Software
Mark Harman - ,
John Clark - ,
Xin Yao - ,
Joachim Wegener - ,
Christine McCulloch - ,
Tanja Vos -
Duration: Half-day
[ summary | details ]
Evolutionary Computation
Iam Parmee -
Duration: Half-day
[ summary | details ]
FD-ET: Future Directions in Evolutionary Testing
Mark Harman - ,
John Clark - ,
Xin Yao - ,
Joachim Wegener - ,
Christine McCulloch - ,
Tanja Vos -
Duration: Half-day
[ summary | details ]
Swarms: The Second Decade:
The particle swarm is a remarkable optimiser that
has evolved in the last decade since it was proposed.
It is little understood, yet it
has a very simple formulation.
The workshop will focus on recent advances
in PSO, both in terms of the understanding and
the applications of the algorithm.
The aim is
to attract papers on particularly innovative research, speculative ideas, and
applications that could act as seeds for PSO
research in its second decade.
The workshop will
run for a half day and it will be divided into two
sessions. Session 1
(3 hours, with 15 minute break) will be paper
presentations (15-20 minute presentation followed
by 5-10 minute discussion, each). Session 2 will
be a panel discussion which will integrate the
ideas presented during the workshop and will
try to sketch the way ahead. The discussion will
particularly focus on novel application areas,
new PSO paradigms, and advances in theory.
of selected papers presented at the workshops will
be invited to submit an extended
version of their manuscripts for inclusion in
a special issue on particle swarms of the new
journal in the field. The special issue has been
approved by the editor-in-chief (Prof Stefano
Cagnoni, University of Parma).
Poli |
Is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at
Essex. His main research interests include genetic programming (GP),
particle swarm optimisation, and the theory of evolutionary
algorithms. In July 2003 Prof. Poli was elected a Fellow of The
International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ISGEC)
" ... in recognition of sustained and significant contributions to the field
and the community". He has published approximately 190 refereed papers on
evolutionary algorithms, neural networks and image/signal processing. With W.
B. Langdon, he wrote Foundations of Genetic Programming published by Springer
in 2002.
He has been co-founder and co-chair of EuroGP for
1998, 1999, 2000 and 2003.
Prof. Poli was the chair
of the GP track at the Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference (GECCO) 2002 and 2007 and was co-chair of the Foundations
of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA) Workshop in 2002.
He was the general chair of GECCO
in 2004 and served as a member of the business committee for GECCO 2005.
He was
technical chair of the International workshop on Ant Colony Optimisation and
Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2006) and competition chair for GECCO 2006. He is an
associate editor of Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press), Genetic Programming
and Evolvable Machines (Springer), the International Journal of Computational
Intelligence Research (IJCIR) and editoral board member of the Swarm Intelligence
journal. Prof. Poli has been a programme committee member for over 50 international
He has presented invited tutorials at 10 international conferences. He is a member
of the EPSRC Peer Review College and has attracted funding of over GBP 1.8M from
EPSRC, DERA, Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society, etc.
Is a social
psychologist who has been working
with the particle swarm algorithm
it since 1994. He received his
Ph.D. in 1992 from the University
of North Carolina, and works
for the US Department of Labor
in Washington, DC. He has published
dozens of articles and chapters
on particle swarms and related
topics, in both computer-science
and social-science journals and
Proceedings. The Morgan Kaufmann
volume, "Swarm Intelligence," by
Kennedy and Russell C. Eberhart,
in its third printing.
James Kennedy
Tim Blackwell |
Is a lecturer in Computing at Goldsmiths College,
University of London. He has degrees in physics, theoretical physics
and computer science and has researched and published in a wide range
of subjects including quantum field theory, condensed matter theory,
psychology, computer music, digital art and swarm intelligence.
He is well known for the application of swarms to improvised music, and
his Swarm Music system has been the subject of numerous articles, radio
programmes and TV documentaries worldwide. Recently he has headed, with
the composer Michael Young, the EPSRC Live Algorithms for Music
research network, an interdisciplinary network of 100+ musicians,
engineers and computer and cognitive scientists. The aim of the network
is to research autonomous computer music applications, and the network
holds regular conferences, workshops and concerts.
His work in swarm optimization has been focused on
dynamic problems. Using an atom analogy, he introduced
'charge' into particle swarm
optimization (PSO) as a diversity increasing mechanism, and used
classical and quantum models of particle motion to adapt PSO for
dynamic optimization. In a collaboration with Juergen Branke (Germany),
he devised a multi-swarm technique and used an "exclusion principle" to
achieve an excellent optimization algorithm for dynamic, multi-modal, landscapes.
He is Principal Investigator (Goldsmiths) for the EPSRC Extended Particle Swarms
project. His recent work in this field is concerned with the distribution of
particle positions within PSO, and he has developed, with Toby Richer (Australia)
a Levy swarm. This work is inspired by studies of foraging animals which reveal
power-law walk during searching periods, as modeled by the Levi distribution.
He is currently working with the artist Janis Jefferies and exhibits and performs
digital art internationally. This body of work concerns texture across the senses.
As part of this research programme he has
developed "Woven Sound" a technique for mapping sound to textile patterns.
He uses principles of stigmergy, swarm animations and sound granulation to render
woven sound back into sound in real-time performance. Recently he has been elected
to the committee of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and
the Simulation of Behaviour and is
a member of IEEE.
A. Freitas:
Received his
Ph.D. in Computer Science from
the University of
Essex, UK, 1997. He was a Visiting
Lecturer at the
Federal Center for Technological Education in Parana (CEFET-PR),
Brazil, from 1997 to 1998; and an Associate Professor at the
Pontifical Catholic University in Parana (PUC-PR), Brazil, from 1999
to 2002. In 2002 he moved to the University of Kent, UK, where he is
currently a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science.
His publications include two research-oriented books on data mining the second
of which is specialized on data mining with evolutionary algorithms and over
100 refereed research papers published in journals, books, conference or workshop
A. Freitas
of these papers are about data mining and/or
algorithms. He is a member of the editorial board
of three international journals, namely Intelligent
Data Analysis, the International Journal on Data
Warehousing and Mining, and the International Journal
of Computational Intelligence and Applications.
At present his main research interests are data
and knowledge discovery, bio-inspired algorithms
and bioinformatics. He is a member of IEEE, BCS-SGAI
(The British Computer Society's Specialist Group
on Artificial Intelligence), ACM-SIGKDD
(ACM-F¢s Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)-A
and AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence).
to top
Software for Applied Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
The field of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GEC)
is undergoing a transition from a largely theoretical
discipline to a more applied discipline as more and
more people discover the power and utility of GEC methods.
Freely-available, open-source, and user-friendly software
for the application of GEC methods to real-world problems
is more important than ever as GEC algorithms mature.
However, there are few examples of software for applied
GEC that are free, open-source, platform-independent,
and user-friendly.
The first annual workshop on Open-Source Software
for Applied Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
(SoftGEC), organized in connection with the GECCO
2007 in London, is intended to explore and critically
evaluate the development, evaluation, distribution,
and support of GEC software. The availability of
software is very important if GEC is going to find
its way into applied computer science in fields such
as engineering, economics, and bioinformatics. This
is partly because the development, evaluation, distribution,
and support of user-friendly software is both time
consuming and expensive. This workshop will critically
explore barriers to the development and dissemination
of GEC software and will critically evaluate solutions.
For more information, visit
H. Moore
H. Moore:
Dr. Moore received his M.S. in Statistics and his Ph.D. in Human
Genetics from the University of Michigan. He then served as Assistant
Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics (1999-2003) and
Associate Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics with tenure
(2003-2004) at Vanderbilt University. While at Vanderbilt, Dr. Moore
held an endowed position as an Ingram Asscociate Professor of Cancer
Research. He also served as Director of the Bioinformatics Core and
Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Vanderbilt Advanced Computing Center
for Research and Education (ACCRE).
In 2004, Dr. Moore accepted a
position as the Frank Lane Research Scholar in Computational Genetics,
Associate Professor of Genetics, and Adjunct Associate Professor of
Community and Family Medicine at Dartmouth Medical School.
He also holds adjunct positions in the Department
of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth College, the
Department of Computer Science at the University
of New Hampshire, and the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Vermont. Dr. Moore serves
as Director of the Bioinformatics Shared Resource
for the Norris-Cotton Cancer Center and Founder and
Director of The Discovery Resource, a 300-processor
parallel computer cooperatively operated for the
Dartmouth community. His research has been communicated
in more than 120 scientific publications.
to top
Optimization by Building
and Using Probabilistic Models:
Genetic and evolutionary algorithms
(GEAs) evolve a population of
candidate solutions using two main operators:
(1) selection and (2)
variation. However, fixed, problem independent
variation operators often
fail to effectively exploit important features
of high quality solutions
obtained by selection to create novel, high-quality
solutions. One way
to make variation operators more effective is
to replace traditional
variation operators by the following two steps:
1. Estimate the distribution of the selected
solutions on the basis
of an adequate probabilistic model.
2. Generate a new population of candidate solutions by sampling from
the distribution estimated.
Algorithms based on this principle are often
called probabilistic
model-building genetic algorithms (PMBGAs), estimation
of distribution
algorithms (EDAs) or iterated density estimation
algorithms (IDEAs). The
purpose of this workshop is to discuss
recent advances in PMBGAs,
theoretical and empirical results,
applications of PMBGAs, and
promising directions of future PMBGA research.
Kumara Sastry
Kumara Sastry:
Kumara Sastry is a graduate student in the
department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems
Engineering at the Univeristy of Illinois
and a
Member of the Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory. He has been
actively consulting on genetic and evolutionary algorithms to industry,
including help startup a new web 2.0 company. His research interests
include efficiency enhancment of genetic agorithms, estimation of
distribution algorithms, scalability of genetic and evolutionary
computation, facetwise analysis of evolutionary algorithms, and
multi-scale modeling in science and engineering.
Martin Pelikan received
Ph.D. from the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign in 2002. He joined
the Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Missouri in St. Louis
in 2003. Currently, he is an assistant professor of computer science and the
director of the Missouri Estimation of Distribution Algorithms Laboratory (MEDAL).
Pelikan's research focuses on genetic and evolutionary computation and machine
learning. He worked at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the
German National Center for Information Technology in Sankt Augustin, the Illinois
Genetic Algorithms
Laboratory (IlliGAL) at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, and the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. |
Martin Pelikan
most important contributions to genetic and
evolutionary computation are the Bayesian
optimization algorithm (BOA), the hierarchical
the scalability theory for BOA and hBOA,
and efficiency enhancement techniques.
to top |
Graduate Student Workshop:
Submissions should be made electronically
to ANIKO's EMAIL ADDRESS at with the subject: GECCO
2007 Graduate Student Workshop Submission
This full day workshop will involve presentations
by approximately 12 selected students pursing research
in some aspect of evolutionary computation. Students
will make 15-20 minute presentations to an audience
that will include a 'mentor' panel of established
researchers in evolutionary computation. Presentations
will be followed by a 10 minute question and discussion
period led by the mentor panel.
The goal of this workshop is to assist students
regarding their research: research methodology,
goals, and plans. Students will also receive feedback
on their presentation style. Other attendees will
benefit by learning about current research, engaging
in technical discussions and meeting researchers
with related interests. Other students are encouraged
to attend as a means of strengthening their own
The group of presenting students will be chosen
with the intent of creating a diverse group of
students working on a broad range of topic areas.
You are an ideal candidate if your thesis topic
has already been approved by your university and
you have been working on your thesis or dissertation
for between 6 and 18 months.
Submissions should follow the general format of
GECCO submission (see author guidelines on the
main GECCO page). In addition, submissions should
be accompanied by a brief cover letter including
the student's current enrollment status (undergraduate,
M.S. student, or Ph.D. student) and information
regarding the extent of their research to date
(e.g. number of months on the project, whether
they’ve completed a proposal defense, or
some similar indication of progress). Accepted
papers will be included with the other workshop
papers on the GECCO workshops CD. Awards will be
presented for best work and best presentation.
Presenters should plan to present both their current
research results and their future research goals
and plans. Keeping in mind that the goal is to
receive advice and suggestions on both the current
status of their research and on their planed future
research directions.
to top
Undergraduate Student Workshop:
Goals of the workshop include:
a forum allowing undergraduate students to put
a "capstone" on their undergraduate
research activities, through presentation of
their work at an international conference;
encouraging teaching faculty to think about undergraduate
research opportunities for their students in the
evolutionary computation field;
preparing standout undergraduate students for
graduate studies in the evolutionary computation
encouraging more focus on education amongst GECCO
recruiting opportunities for faculty at advanced
degree granting institutions; and
sharing and networking amongst teaching faculty
with students participating in undergraduate research.
Laurence D. Merkle:
Larry Merkle teaches computer science, mathematics, and computer engineering
courses and advises senior thesis students at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
He served as an active duty officer in the United States Air Force from 1988
through 2002, and continues to serve as a reservist. He became involved in evolutionary
computation in 1991, and has been involved in its application to a number of
problems of interest to the military, including design of materials with nonlinear
optical properties, design of high-power microwave sources, modeling of biochemical
processes in molecular computing applications, and enhancing the effectiveness
of compilers for polymorphous computing architectures. During the summer of 2004,
he held a Visiting Professor position with the Air Force Research Laboratory
where he studied evolvable hardware. He has published over 50 conference papers
and journal articles.
Bates Congdon:
Clare received her
BA from Wesleyan University and MS and
from The University of Michigan. She
is an advocate and mentor for undergraduate
research, and has
been bringing undergraduate students to GECCO and other conferences to present
their evolutionary computation research since 2000. She is currently a Research
Scientist in the Computer Science Department at Colby College. Her research
that done with undergraduates) includes evolutionary computation as applied
to areas such as bioinformatics, art,
and robotics; her project " Machine Learning
for Phylogenetics and Genomics" is funded by the NIH INBRE program.
Clare Bates Congdon
W. Moore
W. Moore:
Frank has taught computer science, computer engineering, and electrical
engineering courses at the undergraduate and graduate level for the past
11 years. In addition, he has over six years of industry experience developing
software for a wide variety of military projects, including the Integrated
Test Bed, Avionics Integration Support Technology, Crew-Centered Cockpit
Design, and Approach Procedures Expert System projects. His recent research
at the Air Force Research Laboratory has used evolutionary computation
to optimize transforms that outperform wavelets for image compression
and reconstruction under quantization.
He has received three Visiting Faculty Research
Program awards and over $200,000 in research funding
from the Air Force, and has published over 50 journal
articles, conference papers, and technical reports.
to top |
Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization Problems
Many real-world optimization problems are dynamic.
New jobs are to be added to a schedule, the quality
of the raw material may be changing, new orders have
to be included into the routing of a fleet of vehicles,
etc. In such cases, when the problem changes over the
course of the optimization, the purpose of the optimization
algorithm changes from finding an optimal solution
to being able to continuously track the movement of
the optimum through time. Since in a sense natural
evolution is a process of continuous adaptation, it
seems straightforward to consider evolutionary algorithms
as appropriate candidates for dynamic optimization
And indeed, several attempts have been made to modify
evolutionary algorithms, to tune them for optimization
in a changing environment. It was observed in all
these studies, that the dynamic environment requires
the evolutionary algorithm to maintain sufficient
diversity for a continuous adaptation to the changes
of the landscape. The following basic strategies
for modifying the evolutionary algorithm can be identified:
identify the occurrence of a change in the environment
and then deliberately increase diversity in the population
e.g. by means of increased mutation
try to avoid
convergence all the time, e.g. by including new random
individuals in the population in every generation
supply the EA with a memory, e.g. by using diploidy
or an explicit memory, so that the EA can recall
useful information from past generations.
More recent developments in the area include the
use of anticipation, the role of flexibility, and
multi-criteria aspects.
The goal of this workshop is to foster interest
in the important subject of evolutionary algorithms
for dynamic optimization problems, get together the
researchers working on this topic, and to discuss
recent trends in the area. The workshop will feature
a series of selected presentations.
More info:
Peter A.N. Bosman
A.N. Bosman:
Peter is a postdoctoral
research fellow in the computational intelligence
and multi-agent games theme at the Centrum
voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI) (Centre
for Mathematics and Computer Science) located
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He finished
his Ph.D. at the Utrecht University on the
design and application of estimation-of-distribution
algorithms in 2003. He has since then been
an active researcher in the field of evolutionary
computation. His current research position
is mainly focused on optimization using evolutionary
algorithms and (multi-)agent technology in
logistics, a key application area of dynamic
optimization algorithms.
Jürgen is research
associate at the Institute for Applied Computer
Science and Formal Description Methods (AIFB), University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
He has been active in the area of nature-inspired optimization since 1994, and
is a leading expert on optimization in the presence of uncertainties, including
noisy or dynamically changing environments. Further research interests include
complex system optimization, multi-objective optimization, robustness of solutions,
parallelization, and agent-based modeling. Dr. Branke has written the first book
on evolutionary optimization in dynamic environments in 2000 and has published
over 80 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, conferences and workshops.
Besides, he has applied nature-inspired optimization techniques to several real-world
problems as part of industry projects.
to top |
Bioinspired Algorithms:
The application of
Bioinspired Algorithm to solving difficult problems
has shown that they need high computation power and
technology. During the last few years researchers have tried to embody
parallelism into this kind of algorithms, so that a very interesting
research area has emerged and matured. The combination of Bioispired
algorithms and Parallel systems has allowed researchers to develop new
algorithms, and also solve hard problems.
The topics of interest for this workshop include (but are not limited to):
Evolutionary Algorithms (PEAs), including but
not limited to Genetic Algorithms, Genetic
Programming, Evolutionary Programming, and Evolution
biologically inspired parallel algorithms: Ant Colonies, Immune Systems,
Artificial Life, Cultural Algorithms.
and Grid implementation of PEAs.
tolerant implementations of PEAs.
modeling of PEAs.
evaluation of PEAs.
in system performance through optimization and tuning.
studies showing the role of PEAs when solving hard real-life
Fernández de Vega
Francisco Fernández
de Vega:
Received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of
Extremadura, Spain, 2001. Currently, he is an associate professor of
computer science and CIO of the University of Extremadura. He is also
the director of the GEA (Artificial Evolution Group).
He has published over 90 referred papers. His research interests include
Bioinspired Algorithms (Genetic Programming, Cellular Automata, Epidemic
Algorithms) and Cluster and Grid Computing.
He is part of the steering committee of the Spanish conference on Evolutionary
Algorithms (MAEB), and has presented invited tutorials at several international
conferences (including CEC and PPSN).
He was co-chair of the 1st Workshop on Parallel Bioinspired Algorithms, that
was held jointly with the IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing
2005 in Oslo.
Erick Cantú-Paz:
Erick Cantú-Paz
received a Ph.D. from the Department
of Computer Science at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
in 1999. He worked as a computer
scientist at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory and currently
works in sponsored search relevance
at Yahoo!, Inc.
Cantú-Paz's research focuses on data mining, machine learning and efficiency
improvements for evolutionary algorithms. He is mainly interested in large-scale
machine learning from labeled and unlabeled data, learning from nonstationary
sources, anomaly detection, feature subset selection, and applying his research
to real-world applications. In evolutionary computation, his research interests
focus on efficiency
of evolutionary algorithms in general.
to top
Learning Classifier Systems
Since Learning Classifier Systems (LCSs) were introduced
by Holland as a way of applying evolutionary computation
to machine learning problems,
the LCS paradigm has broadened greatly into a framework encompassing
many representations, rule discovery mechanisms, and credit assignment
schemes. Current LCS applications range from data mining to automated
innovation to on-line control. Classifier systems are a very active area
of research, with newer approaches, in particular Wilson's
accuracy-based XCS, receiving a great deal of attention. LCS are also
benefiting from advances in reinforcement learning and other machine
learning techniques.
Topics of interests include but are not limited
Paradigms of LCS (Michigan, Pittsburgh, ...)
Theoretical developments (behavior, scalability and learning bounds, ...)
Representations (binary, real-valued, oblique, non-linear, fuzzy,...)
Types of target problems (single-step, multiple-step, regression/function
approximation, ...)
System enhancements (competent operators, problem structure identification
and linkage learning, ...)
Applications (data mining, medical domains, bioinformatics, ...)
Jaume Bacardit
Jaume received his Ph.D. in 2004
from the Ramon Llull University in
Spain. His thesis was focused on
a class of machine learning techniques
called Learning Classifier Systems,
specially using the Pittsburgh approach
of LCS. He is now working in the
University of Nottingham, UK applying
LCS to bioinformatics domains in
a project called "Robust Prediction
with Explanatory Power for Protein
Structure and Related Prediction
Problems", funded by the UK
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council.
Ester is
an associate professor at the Computer Engineering
Depatment of Enginyeria
i Arquitectura La Salle, Ramon Llull University,
Barcelona, Spain. Her research interests are focused
on the study of genetic-based machine learning and
related aeas: machine learning, data mining, pattern
recognition, etc. She is an expert of the applicability
of Learning Classifier Systems to real-world problems,
specifically XCS. She has designed a supervised a
version of XCS, called UCS, which learns successfully
and eficiently in supervised learning problems. She
has participated in several projects on machine learning
applied to medical diagnosis. She is currently participating
in the KEEL (Knowledge Extraction with Evolutionary
Learning) project, which is developed jointly by
five teams of different Spanish universities and
is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Ester Bernadó-Mansilla
Martin V. Butz
V. Butz:
Dr. Butz's areas
of specialization include computer science
and cognitive psychology. Butz's focus lies
on artificial intelligence and machine learning,
particularly on neural network architectures, evolutionary
algorithms, and learning classifier systems. Butz
is a specialist of the most renowned learning classifier
system to-date: XCS, which he analyzed experimentally
and analytically during his PhD studies. System improvements
lead to successful applications in datamining, reinforcement
learning, function approximation, and adaptive behavior.
to top
Computation and Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation
Evolutionary computation (EC) and multi-agent systems
and simulation (MASS) both involve populations of
agents. EC is a learning technique by which a population
of individual agents adapts according to the selection
pressures exerted by an environment; MASS seeks to
understand how to coordinate the actions of a population
of (possibly selfish) autonomous agents that share
an environment so that some outcome is achieved.
Both EC and MASS have top-down and bottom-up features.
For example, some aspects of multi-agent system engineering
(e.g., mechanism design) are concerned with how top-down
structure can constrain individual decisions. Similarly,
most work in EC is concerned with how to engineer
selective pressures to drive the evolution of individuals
towards some desired goal. Multi-agent simulation
(also called agent-based modeling) addresses the
bottom-up issue of how collective behavior emerges
from individual action. Likewise, the study of evolutionary
dynamics within EC often considers how population-level
phenomena emerge from individual-level interactions.
Thus, at a high level, we may view EC and MASS as
examining analogous processes. It is therefore natural
to consider how EC may be relevant to MASS, and vice
versa; indeed, applications and techniques from one
field have often made use of technologies and algorithms
from the other field.
Example Topics:
Multi-agent systems and agent-based models utilizing
evolutionary computation
Optimization of multi-agent systems and agent-based
models using evolutionary computation
Evolutionary computation models which rely not
on explicit fitness functions but rather implicit
fitness functions defined by the relationship to
other individuals / agents
Applications utilizing MASS and EC in combination
Biological agent-based models (usually called
individual-based models) involving evolution
Evolution of cooperation and altruism
Genotypic representation of the complex phenotypic
strategies of MASS
Evolutionary learning within MASS (including Baldwinian
learning and phenotypic plasticity)
Emergence and feedbacks
Open-ended strategy spaces and evolution
Adaptive individuals within evolving populations
Bill is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Northwestern Institute on
Complex Systems at Northwestern University; he obtained his Ph.D. from
the University of Michigan working under Rick Riolo and John Holland.
Bill developed his first agent-based model (ABM) with an evolutionary
component in 1996 at Michigan State University, and has maintained a
research interest in ABM and GA ever since. His dissertation focused
on the use of GAs in dynamic environments, and at the same time he helped
develop a large-scale model of residential land-use decisions in Southeastern
Michigan to model the effects of suburban sprawl. At Northwestern, Bill
is working with Uri Wilensky to develop and refine the methods and techniques
of ABM, including the incorporation of evolutionary computation tools
into ABM.
G. Ficici:
Sevan is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow
in computer science at Harvard University;
he obtained his Ph.D. from Brandeis University
working under Jordan Pollack. Sevan has
worked broadly in the field of multi-agent
systems and learning for over a decade.
His Ph.D. work focused on coevolutionary
learning in multi-agent systems. At Harvard,
Sevan is working with Avi Pfeffer to develop
computational models of human behavior
in multi-agent domains and construct computer
agents that utilize these models to interact
successfully with human participants. Sevan
was chair of the coevolution track at GECCO
2006 as well as co-presenter, with Anthony
Bucci, of the Introductory Tutorial on
Coevolution at GECCO 2006; Sevan and Anthony
will be presenting the Advanced Tutorial
on Coevolution at GECCO 2007.
Sevan G. Ficici
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Petroleum Applications of Evolutionary Computation
This workshop is intended to encourage communication
among EC researchers, petroleum engineers and scientists
to better understand the current and ongoing efforts
in using evolutionary computation techniques in solving
petroleum-related problems. Such interaction can
help advance new development of evolutionary computation
techniques for petroleum-related applications.
more info:
Alexandre Castellini
Alexandre received his MSc in Fluid Mechanics from Toulouse, France and
his MSc in Petroleum Engineering from Stanford University. He has been
working for Chevron Energy Technology Company since 2001 and has applied
evolutionary computation techniques to a number of petroleum reservoir
studies, including calibration of models to production data and
uncertainty estimation of production profiles. He is a technical editor
for the Reservoir Engineering Journal of the Society of Petroleum
Charles Guthrie:
Charlie received his
M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
in 1983 and joined Gulf Oil in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. In 1985, Chevron purchased
Gulf Oil and Charlie transferred to Chevron
Energy Technology Company in Richmond, California.
Since then, he has held a variety of positions
in process development, process engineering
and most recently process modeling for refinery
and oil production. In his modeling work,
Charlie applied a wide variety of techniques
from traditional gradient-based non-linear
optimizers to genetic algorithms and particle
swarms. Charlie’s expertise lies in
matching solution techniques to problem requirements,
designing robust delivery platforms and doing
whatever it takes to get it used.
Charles Guthrie
Burak Yeten |
Yeten :
Burak Yeten works as
a reservoir simulation engineer at the
Resevoir Simulation Consulting Team of
Energy Technology Company of Chevron, based
in San Ramon, California, USA. He holds
BS. and MSc. degrees from Middle East Technical
University and a Phd. Degree from Stanford
University, all in petroleum engineering.
His research areas include
optimization of development and management
of petroleum reservoirs, history matching,
uncertainty assessment, decision analysis
and deployment and control of smart wells.
He has published more than 20 papers on these
fields. He has been a technical editor with
Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir
Engineering and Evaluation Journal for more
than two years and is also serving to the
same journal as the review chairperson.
Tina Yu:
Tina Yu is an Associate Professor of Computer
Science at the Memorial University of Newfoundland
in Canada. Tina received her Ph.D. from
University of London, U.K in 1999. After
her graduation, she joined Chevron Technology
Company, working with petroleum engineers,
geologists, geophysists and geostatisticans
applying evolutionary computation techniques
to oil business.
In October of 2005, she joined the Memorial
University of Newfoundland as an Associate
Professor. Meanwhile, she continues collaborating
with Chevron in various research projects.
Tina Yu
Tina is active in the evolutionary
computation community. Her publications include
two edited books, five journal articles, five
invited book chapters and 15 referred conference
to top
Defense Applications of Computational
Within the last decade, the use of computational
intelligence techniques for solving challenging
defense related problems has achieved widespread
acceptance. The genesis of this interest lies in
the fact that repeated attempts of using more traditional
techniques have left many important problems unsolved,
and in some cases, not addressed. Additionally,
new problems have emerged that are difficult to
tackle with conventional methods, since social,
cultural and human behavioral factors tend to be
at the heart of these new types of problems (e.g.
within the broad areas of the global war on terrorism,
homeland security, and force protection).
The purpose of the workshop is to introduce and
discuss current and ongoing efforts in using computational
intelligence techniques in attacking and solving
defense-related problems, with a focus on genetic
and evolutionary computation techniques. These
include, but are not limited to the following:
and evolutionary techniques in the design of military
systems and sub-systems.
and evolutionary techniques for logistics and scheduling
of military operations.
and evolutionary algorithms (GEAs) in strategic
planning and tactical decision making.
GEAs for examining tradeoffs in military, security,
and counter-terrorism procedures.
discovery of tactics and procedures for site security,
force protection, and consequence management.
knowledge discovery and data mining of large databases
used to recognize patterns of individual behavior.
for simultaneous red-blue team strategic-tactical
simulation and gaming.
computational intelligence techniques for applications
in the areas listed above.
The workshop invites completed or ongoing work
in using computational intelligence techniques
for addressing these or any other applications
to defense related problems. This workshop is intended
to encourage communication between active researchers
and practitioners to better understand the current
scope of efforts within this domain. The ultimate
goal is to understand, discuss, and help set future
directions for computational intelligence in defense
W. Moore
W. Moore:
Frank has taught computer science,
computer engineering, and electrical engineering
courses at the undergraduate and graduate
level for the past 11 years. In addition,
he has over six years of industry experience
developing software for a wide variety
of military projects, including the Integrated
Test Bed, Avionics Integration Support
Technology, Crew-Centered Cockpit Design,
and Approach Procedures Expert System projects.
His recent research at the Air Force Research
Laboratory has used evolutionary computation
to optimize transforms that outperform
wavelets for image compression and reconstruction
under quantization.
He has received
three Visiting Faculty Research Program awards
and over $200,000 in research funding from the
Air Force, and has published over 50 journal articles,
conference papers, and technical
Laurence D. Merkle:
Larry Merkle teaches computer science, mathematics, and computer engineering
courses and advises senior thesis students at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
He served as an active duty officer in the United States Air Force from 1988
through 2002, and continues to serve as a reservist. He became involved in evolutionary
computation in 1991, and has been involved in its application to a number of
problems of interest to the military, including design of materials with nonlinear
optical properties, design of high-power microwave sources, modeling of biochemical
processes in molecular computing applications, and enhancing the effectiveness
of compilers for polymorphous computing architectures. During the summer of 2004,
he held a Visiting Professor position with the Air Force Research Laboratory
where he studied evolvable hardware. He has published over 50 conference papers
and journal articles.
Steve Upton :
Steve has worked in the military domain for over
34 years, including serving on active duty in the US Marine Corps for
24 years. He has been applying evolutionary computation techniques
to problems in this domain since 1996. His most recent work has been
in using evolutionary algorithms to robustly optimize combat simulations
and further developing the concept of automated red teaming and its
application to problems in homeland defense and force protection.
Frank W. Moore
University of Alaska Anchorage
SSB 154 L, 3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508
PH: 907-786-4819
FAX: 907-786-6162
Laurence D. Merkle
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Ave., CM-103, Terre Haute, IN 47803
PH: 812-877-8474
FAX: 812-872-6060
Stephen C. Upton
Referentia Systems, Inc.
11435 Newington Ave., Spring Hill, FL 34609
PH: 352-684-1353
FAX: 808-423-1960
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Evolution of
Natural and Artificial Systems - Metaphors and Analogies
in Single and Multi-Objective Problems
(GECCO- ENAS- 2007) The aim of this workshop
is to understand the similarities
and dissimilarities between
biological evolution and
computational evolution.
on evolutionary computation
(EC) has made extensive
use of concepts from biology
such as the notion of "the
fittest" or "optimal" solution
to an evolutionary problem.
Other concepts from biology
such as mutation, speciation,
and co-evolution, have
also been used in work
on EC. There are two complementary
views about the utility
of analogy between natural
and artificial systems.
The first view is that
the study of natural systems
can lead to the development
of better artificial systems.
The second view is that
the study of artificial
systems can lead to new
insights on the evolution
of natural systems. While
the former view is commonly
accepted, especially in
the EC community, the latter
view has yet to be fully
accepted and explored.
Design, planning and analyses
of man-made systems often
involve the use of Pareto-optimality
and the notion of non-dominancy.
When studying biological
systems these are not easily
apparent. Computational
tools, such as Multi-objective
Evolutionary Algorithms,
may be particularly useful
in attempts to understand
the nature of evolutionary
tradeoffs and the degree
to which evolution involves
a "balance" between
selection for multiple
Understanding of applied metaphors and analogies in EC
metaphors and analogies
in EC
between natural and artificial
debate and its relation
to teleology and the
notion of objectives
in natural systems and
how these
relationships between niches, species formation
and objectives in natural
and artificial systems
relationships between
design concepts and "natural
and its relationship to
related topics and application
areas (see
a related comment in the
(Ami) Moshaiov:
Ami is the founder and head of the
robotics and mechatronics program
of the School of Mechanical Engineering
at Tel-Aviv University (TAU).
Before joining the engineering faculty of TAU he has been an assistant
professor in the Department of Ocean Engineering at MIT. He is a member
of the Management Board of the European Network of Excellence in
Robotics (EURON II), and of both the TC on Soft Computing and the TC on
Education of the Int. Assoc. of Science & Technology for Development (IASTED).
He has been the Program Chair of the 1^st Israel Conference on Robotics (ICR
2006), and a Co-chair of the IEEE/RSJ IROS- 2006 Workshop on Multi-Objective
Robotics (IROS-MOR 2006).
Ami has been a member
of the IPCs of many Int.
Conf. on areas such as
Mechatronics, Control,
Cybernetics, IT, Engineering
Design, Soft Computing & Education.
He is also an expert reviewer
for the Marie-Curie Research
and Training Networks Program
of the EU. Ami has worked
and published on a wide
variety of topics including
Structural Mechanics, Ship
Manufacturing Processes,
Robotics, Bio-mechanics,
MEMS, Computer Vision,
Neural Networks, Engineering
Design, Education, and
EC. His current EC research
focuses on defining and
solving concept-based multi-objective
problems including applications
in areas such as engineering
design, soft computing,
and robotics.
He is the President of
the Fresh Pond Research Institute, a non-profit
research institute located in Cambridge,
MA. He received degrees from the University
of Rochester and Harvard University. He worked
at the University of Chicago prior to working
at the Fresh Pond Research Institute. His
recent research interests include bioinformatics,
population dynamics, population genetics,
comparative methods in evolutionary biology,
evolution of life histories, and the history
and philosophy of biology. With Elliott Sober
he coedited Adaptationism and Optimality a
collection of original papers on adaptationism,
natural selection, and optimality (Cambridge
Press 2001).
Joshua Knowles
He is a research fellow in the School of Computer Science at
the University of Manchester, UK. He works within the Manchester
Interdisciplinary Biocentre on a range of projects involving
evolutionary simulation and optimization in biological applications. In
much of his research, both within and outside of biology, Joshua sees
benefits in the exploration of tradeoffs through multiobjective
optimization. Over the past 10 years, he has contributed to several
aspects of the
developing field of evolutionary multiobjective optimization, largely
with David Corne, including: the development of the simple, elitist
local search algorithm, PAES; memetic algorithms; archiving theory and
algorithms; No-Free-Lunch; and performance assessment methods.
More recently,
Joshua has investigated multiobjective instrument
optimization and, with Julia Handl, multiobjective
data clustering and feature selection. Last year,
Joshua and David won the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation Outstanding Paper Published in 2003 Award
for a paper on archiving algorithms in EMO.
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Medical Applications of Genetic
and Evolutionary Computation
L. Smith
L. Smith:
Received a BSc in Computer Science and then an MSc and PhD in Electronic
Engineering from the University of Kent, UK. He is currently a senior
lecturer in the Department of Electronics at the University of York, UK.
Steve’s main research interests are in developing novel representations
of evolutionary algorithms particularly with application to problems in medicine.
His work is currently centered on the diagnosis of neurological dysfunction and
analysis of mammograms. Steve was program chair for the Euromicro Workshop on
Medical Informatics, program chair and local organizer for the Sixth International
Workshop on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues (IPCAT) and guest editor
for the
subsequent special issue of BioSystems journal.
Steve and Stefano Cagnoni are co-founders and organizers
of the MedGEC Workshop, which is now in its third
year. They are also guest editors for a forthcoming
special issue of Genetic Programming and Evolvable
Machines (Springer) on medical applications.
Steve has some 65 refereed publications, is a Chartered
Engineer and a member of the British Computer Society
and EPSRC Peer Review College.
Has been
with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria
dell'Informazione of the Universita' degli Studi di Parma since 1997,
where he is currently Associate Professor. He graduated in Electronic
Engineering at the University of Florence in 1988 where he has been a
PhD student until 1993 and a post-doc until 1997. In 1994 he was a
visiting scientist at the Whitaker College Biomedical Imaging and
Computation Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He is member
of the Managing Board and
secretary of the
Italian Association for Artificial
Intelligence (AI*IA). He has
been chairman of EvoIASP since
In 2001 and 2002 he has been General
Chair of EvoWorkshops, the European joint event of
which EvoIASP is a component. He has been chairman
and organiser of GSICE, the Italian Workshop on Evolutionary
Computation, in 2005 and 2006. He was chairman of
EC2AI, the workshop on Evolutionary Computation which
was held at ECAI, the European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, in 2006. He has co-chaired, in 2005
and 2006, MedGEC, a workshop on medical applications
of evolutionary computation held concurrently with
GECCO. He has co-edited three special issues dedicated
to " Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for
Image Analysis and Signal Processing" in international
journals: EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Processing
(2003), Pattern Recognition Letters (2006), and Evolutionary
Computation (in press); as well as a special issue
of " Intelligenza Artificiale", the journal
of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence,
dedicated to "Evolutionary Computation" (2006).
His main basic research interests are
in the field of Soft Computing, with particular regard
to Evolutionary Computation, and in computer vision.
As concerns applied research, the main research topics
are the application of the above-mentioned techniques
to problems of pattern recognition and robotics.
He has published a large number of papers in recognized
international journals and conferences.
- Foundations and cross cutting issues in Search
Based Software Engineering
FX-SBSE will focus on foundational and cross
cutting issues, that applies across the spectrum
of applications in SBSE research. The aim of
the workshop will be to strengthen and deepen
research in this area. Although there is an existing,
established SBSE track at GECCO, no paper within
the SBSE track can do this, so a workshop is
required to draw these themes together. An indicative
(but non exhaustive) list of theses include:
scalability of results, robustness of results,
feedback, insight, characterisation of landscapes
and problem complexity, hybrid approaches to
SBSE, multi objective approaches to SBSE, interactive
SBSE, runtime SBSE.
Evolutionary Computation
Interactive evolutionary computing, in the main, relates
to partial or complete human evaluation of the fitness
of solutions generated from evolutionary search.
This has been introduced where quantitative evaluation
is difficult if not impossible to achieve. Such applications
rely upon a human-centred, subjective evaluation
of the fitness of a particular design, image, taste
etc as opposed to an evaluation developed from some
analytic model.
Partial human interaction that complements quantitative
machine-based solution evaluation is also in evidence.
For instance, the user addition of new constraints
in order to generate viable solutions within evolutionary
scheduling systems or the introduction of designer-generated
solutions into selected evolving generations.
Solutions can also provide information which supports
a better understanding of the problem domain whilst
helping to identify best direction especially when
operating within poorly defined problem spaces.
This supports development of the problem representation
in an iterative, interactive evolutionary design
environment. Such human-centric approaches generate
and succinctly present information re complex relationships
between variables, objectives and constraints defining
a decision space.
It is possible to view complete human evaluation
as explicit and partial evaluation and interaction
less explicit. Completely implicit interaction
occurs where users are unaware of their role in
the evolution of a system. A simple implicit/explicit
spectrum of user-centric evolutionary approaches
can thus be developed.
Short papers relating to user-centric evolutionary
processes across this spectrum are invited. Authors
will have an opportunity during the Workshop to
present the main aspects of their research for
discussion. The primary aim of the workshop is
to provide a discussive forum as opposed to straighforward
presentation of rigorous, results-oriented papers
hence speculative short papers are welcome in addition
to short results-oriented papers describing work
in progress.
More details of the above with references to the
examples can be found on the Workshop website (
Ian Parmee
Formerly Director
of the EPSRC Engineering Design Centre
at the University of Plymouth, Ian
Parmee established the Advanced
Computation in Design and Decision-making
Lab (
at Bristol, UWE in 2001. The research
within the Lab focuses upon the integration
of people-centred, evolutionary and other
computational intelligence technologies
with complex design and decision-making
processes. From an engineering perspective
his work has extended into mechanical,
aerospace, electronic, power system and
marine engineering design.
this basis his work now encompasses financial
systems, software design and drug design. Enabling
computational technologies such as high performance,
distributed computing and Grid technology; data-mining,
analysis, processing and visualisation and aspects
relating to human-computer interaction also play
a major role. Experience across these various
domains has resulted in an understanding of generic
issues, degrees of complexity and the difficulties
facing both researchers and practitioners when
operating within them. Ian has published extensively
across engineering and evolutionary computing
domains and has presented plenary talks at leading
conferences in both areas. His own book ‘Evolutionary
and Adaptive Computing in Engineering Design’ was
published by Springer-Verlag in 2001. He has
also organised and chaired the biennial international
conference ‘Adaptive Computing in Design
and Manufacture’ since 1994. The seventh
event took place in Bristol, UK in April 2006
He is also the Scientific Director of ACT (
which specialises in a range of computational intelligence strategies to provide
search, optimisation and modelling capabilities across complex industrial and
commercial problem domains. These areas of activity are underpinned by seventeen
years experience of application of these technologies (especially evolutionary
computation) in close collaboration
with industry. to top
Future Directions in Evolutionary Testing
FD-ET will build on existing work that has taken
place over 10 years of rapid development of Evolutionary
Testing to map out a road map for future research
in this area. It will draw on the themes identified
in FX-SBSE, augmenting these with ET specific themes.
An indicative (but non exhaustive) list of theses
include: Non functional requirements, new testing
applications, search space characterisation, fitness
function improvement, landscape smoothing and size
reduction, tailed evolutionary algorithms, test
case selection and prioritization problems.