Evolution of Natural and Artificial Systems - Metaphors and Analogies in Single and Multi-Objective Problems

(GECCO- ENAS- 2007)


GECCO - 07 Workshop on the Evolution of Natural and Artificial Systems - Metaphors and Analogies in Single and Multi-Objective Problems

(GECCO- ENAS- 2007)

!!! Please note the extended deadline for papers and abstracts as detailed below

Background and Motivation:

The aim of this workshop is to understand the similarities and dissimilarities between biological evolution and computational evolution.

Work on evolutionary computation (EC) has made extensive use of concepts from biology such as the notion of "the fittest" or "optimal" solution to an evolutionary problem. Other concepts from biology such as mutation, speciation, and co-evolution, have also been used in work on EC. There are two complementary views about the utility of analogy between natural and artificial systems. The first view is that the study of natural systems can lead to the development of better artificial systems. The second view is that the study of artificial systems can lead to new insights on the evolution of natural systems. While the former view is commonly accepted, especially in the EC community, the latter view has yet to be fully accepted and explored. Design, planning and analyses of man-made systems often involve the use of Pareto-optimality and the notion of non-dominancy. When studying biological systems these are not easily apparent. Computational tools, such as Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms, may be particularly useful in attempts to understand the nature of evolutionary tradeoffs and the degree to which evolution involves a "balance" between selection for multiple objectives.


Understanding of applied metaphors and analogies in EC
New metaphors and analogies in EC
Dissimilarities between natural and artificial evolution
The adaptation/optimization debate and its relation to teleology and the notion of objectives
Tradeoffs in natural systems and how these arise
The relationships between niches, species formation and objectives in natural and artificial systems
The relationships between design concepts and "natural concepts"
Co-evolution and its relationship to multi-objective optimization
Other related topics and application areas

Application areas:

Papers on any application area of EC are welcome provided that a discussion is included on the use of metaphors and analogies in the study of natural and artificial systems


Amiarm Moshaiov
Steven Hecht Orzack
Joshua Knowles


Tentative Program:

Introduction to the Workshop – Part 1
Amiram Moshaiov and Joshua Knowles

Introduction to the Workshop – Part 2
Steven H. Orzack

Invited talk on the Evolution of Robust Homeostasis and Tissue-like Architecture in Artificial Multicellular Organisms
Buzz Baum

Invited talk on Program Evolvability under Environmental Variations and Neutrality
Tina Yu

Short discussion and Coffee break

A Systemic Computation Platform for the Modelling and Analysis of Processes with Natural Characteristics
Erwan Le Martelot, Peter J. Bentley, and R. Beau Lotto

Aspects of Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Evolution
Michael Affenzeller, Stefan Wagner, and Stephan Winkler

Transgenetic Algorithm: A New Evolutionary Perspective for Heuristics Design
Elizabeth F. G. Goldbarg, Marco C. Goldbarg, and Ligia B. Bagi

A More Bio-plausible Approach to the Evolutionary Inference of Finite State Machines
Hooman Shayani and Peter J. Bentley

Discussion and Conclusions


Important Dates:

Paper/extended abstract submission deadline (EXTENDED !!!) - 30 March, 2007
Notification of acceptance - 4 April, 2007
Camera-ready copy deadline - 11 April, 2007
Registration to the workshop - 11 April, 2007
Workshop - 7 July, 2007

Submission Instructions:

Please email a PDF of your paper or extended abstract by the deadline to

In your email please list name, affiliation, and contact details (including email) of all authors. Please, use the subject line "GECOO-ENAS-2007 SUBMISSION"

Papers should not exceed the limit of 8 pages and must abide ACM formatting rules (for details, please visit www.sigevo.org/gecco-2007/papers.html). Authors of accepted papers will submit their camera ready files through GECCO submission system.

A title page must be sent to by the 11th of April. By the same date, the copyright form must be sent to the conference organizers via fax or signed and scanned via email.

                        Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2007)
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