Keynote Discussion video, audio and photos now available: click here.
The video is available as a torrent for download. To download, you will need Azureus, BitTorrent, or similar.

New Scientist reporter Paul Marks has written an article about the Keynote: click here

Best Paper Winners

2007 Humies: Human-Competitive Results winners

Keynote Discussion audio and photos now available: click here
Many thanks to Peter J Bentley for providing the audio file, and to UCL for hosting it. Video of the event will be posted when editing is complete

"The Daily Telegraph" article by Steve Jones about GECCO Keynote Discussion: click here

Keynote Event: Public Debate on Complexity and Evolution:
We are pleased to announce that the Keynote Debate with Prof Richard Dawkins, Prof Steve Jones and Prof Lewis Wolpert will take place in the Central Hall of the Natural History Museum. We are grateful to the Science Department of the Natural History Museum for their support of the Debate. more info:

Submission Results

GECCO 2007 Wiki: a live, on-line resource at GECCO for posting bulletins and announcements. Thank you to our Wiki host, George Mason University's Evolutionary Computation Laboratory.

Entries for the 2007 “HUMIES” — for Human-Competitive Results are now available on


SIGEVOlution, the newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO) is available online.

GECCO "Job Shop": GECCO will host a special Monday lunchtime session for participants looking for positions in academia or in industry, and for employers looking to hire. Bring copies of your resume, publications, and job descriptions and show up for brief 1-on-1 meetings on the 6th floor Malet Place (room 6.12a and 6.25) on Monday 12:30pm-2pm. No advance scheduling required.

6th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning
11-13 July 2007
Imperial College London

Workshop Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics
(colocated with ICALP 2007)
July 14 -15, 2007
Wroclaw, Poland

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2007) will present the latest high-quality results in the growing field of genetic and evolutionary computation. Topics include: genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, real-world applications, learning classifier systems and other genetics-based machine learning, evolvable hardware, artificial life, adaptive behavior, ant colony optimization, swarm intelligence, biological applications, evolutionary robotics, coevolution, artificial immune systems, and more.
                        Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2007)
 GECCO 2006 site      GECCO 2005 site         GECCO 2004 site    
GECCO 2003 site       GECCO 2002 site         GECCO 2001 site      GECCO 2000 site