Track Chairs, Editor in Chief, and Conference Chair nominated
the papers that received the most nominations from Program
Committee members and/or the highest evaluation scores.
Best Paper winners were determined by a ballot vote by
Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, and Artificial
Immune Systems
On the Runtime Analysis of the 1-ANT ACO Algorithm
Benjamin Doerr, Frank Neumann, Dirk Sudholt, Carsten
Artificial Life, Evolutionary Robotics, Adaptive Behavior,
Evolvable Hardware
The Effect of Learning on Life History Evolution
John A. Bullinaria
Biological Applications
Discrimination of Metabolic Flux Profiles Using a Hybrid
Evolutionary Algorithm
Stefan Bleuler, Eckart Zitzler
Objective Fitness Correlation
Edwin D. De Jong
Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
Towards Billion-Bit Optimization via a Parallel Estimation
of Distribution Algorithm
Kumara Sastry, David E. Goldberg, Xavier Llorà
Strategies, Evolutionary Programming
Reducing the Space-Time Complexity of the CMA-ES
James N Knight, Monte Lunacek
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
Convergence of Stochastic Search Algorithms to Gap-Free Pareto
Oliver Schütze, Marco LaumannsEmilia Tantar, Carlos A.
Coello Coello, El-ghazali Talbi
Formal Theory
Evolutionary Algorithms and Matroid Optimization Problems
Joachim Reichel, Martin Skutella
Generative and Developmental
Acquiring Evolvability through Adaptive Representations
Joseph S Reisinger, Risto Miikkulainen
Genetic Algorithms
Fitness-Proportional Negative Slope Coefficient as
a Hardness Measure for Genetic Algorithms
Riccardo Poli, Leonardo Vanneschi
Search-Based Software Engineering
The Multi-Objective Next Release Problem
Yuanyuan Zhang, Mark Harman, S. Afshin Mansouri
Genetic Programming
Learning Noise
Michael D Schmidt, Hod Lipson
Genetics-Based Machine Learning
Controlling Overfitting with Multi-Objective
Support Vector Machines
Ingo Mierswa
Real-World Applications
Evolving Robust GP Solutions for Hedge Fund Stock
Selection in Emerging Markets
Wei Yan, Christopher D. Clack
Humies: Human-Competitive Results
winners are announced at: