Camera Ready File Instructions for Workshop Papers, Late Breaking Papers Evolutionary Computation in Practice Papers, and Tutorial Notes
Deadline File Requirements Summary Copyright Notice and Form Permission to Publish Notice and Form Submit File ACM Template File Preparation Instructions Help

Thank-you for participating in the GECCO 2007 Related Presentations. This web page will acquaint you with the requirements for formatting and submitting the camera-ready files of your accepted Workshop, Late Breaking, and Evolutionary Computation in Practice Papers (8 page limit) or Tutorial Notes (50 page limit, 4 slides per page), and for submitting your signed ACM Copyright (for Workshops and Late Breaking papers) or Permission-Release (for ECP papers or Tutorial Notes) form. Please read this entire page.

GECCO-2007 related presentations will be included in the ACM Digital Library. All papers for the conference must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to all of ACM specifications.

Submissions that do not conform to the ACM standards, specifications, guidelines, and formats will be returned to the author for corrections and/or alterations. If requested format corrections are not made, the submission will not be included.

If you are looking for the camera ready file instructions for Accepted Full Paper or Poster, check the formatting instructions at Sheridan Printing, the ACM Press publisher:

Authors with Accepted Workshop, Late Breaking, and Evolutionary Computation in Practice Papers as well as Tutorial Presenters submitting tutorial notes MUST:

  • Prepare file(s) for your final paper or poster that conform to all ACM Press publishing requirements, including copyright or permission notice. Publishing requirements are described on this web page. Workshop and Late Breaking Papers must us the ACM Template. All Papers must follow the File Preparation Instructions.

  • Submit your final file (.pdf) by the DEADLINE: APRIL 19, 2007, 7:00 AM EST. You are advised to submit your files well before the deadline. The URL for camera-ready files is

  • FAX your signed ACM Copyright form (for workshop and late breaking papers) or Permission to Publish form (for ECP papers and tutorial notes) to the appropriate GECCO Organizer. If you submit your final files on the deadline day, make sure you have access to a FAX machine. Forms must be received by the GECCO Organizer on or before the DEADLINE: April 19, 2007, 7:00 AM EST.

  • Register at least one author for the conference by the DEADLINE: April 19, 2007. Register here.

APRIL 19, 2007:

  • Final file (PDF) submitted
  • Copyright or permission form submitted to the appropriate Conference Organizer
  • At least one author registered for the conference (register here)
File Requirements Summary


ACM Template Required?
Use Copyright or Permission Notice
Page Limit



8, formatted for US Letter 8-1/2 x 11

Late Breaking


8, formatted for US Letter 8-1/2 x 11
Evolutionary Computation in Practice (ECP)
Permission to Publish
8, formatted for US Letter 8-1/2 x 11
Tutorial Notes
Permission to Publish
50, 4 slides per page, formatted for US Letter 8-1/2 x 11

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ACM Copyright Notice for Workshop and Late Breaking Paper Authors

If you are an author of a Workshop Paper or a Late Breaking Paper, you must insert the correct ACM copyright notice into the bottom, left corner of the first page of your paper. The ACM Notice must appear on the first page of your paper, placed on the bottom, left of the first page. This statement must appear in 8 pt. Times New Roman, justified text, with GECCO'07 in italics.

U.S. Government employees please contact for the correct ACM-US government copyright statement for your submission.

Inserting the copyright notice into the ACM Template is described in the ACM Template section of this page.

You must also:

  • Complete the Permission to Publish Form. Access the ACM Copyright Form:
  • FAX the form AND your title page (that shows the correct notice has been inserted) to the appropriate GECCO Organizer:

    Workshop Authors fax to: +1-709-737-2009
    Late Breaking Paper Authors fax to: +31 (0)20 592 4199


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ACM Permission to Publish Notice for ECP Authors and Tutorial Presenters

If you are an author of an Evolutionary Computation in Practice paper, or a tutorial presenter, you must insert the correct ACM Permission to Publish notice into the bottom, left corner of the first page of your paper. The ACM Notice must appear on the first page of your paper, placed on the bottom, left of the first page. This statement must appear in 8 pt. Times New Roman, justified text, with GECCO'07 in italics. (See example of a correct notice here)

To insert the permission notice into your paper:

  1. RIGHT-CLICK to download the text of the notice:
    Permission to Publish Notice text  
  2. Open the text file you downloaded
  3. Copy the text from the above text file
  4. Paste it into your paper in the lower-left corner of the first page

US Government employees please contact for the correct ACM-US government statement for your submission.

You must also:

  • Complete the Permission to Publish Form. RIGHT-CLICK to download Form: ACM-permission-to-publish
  • FAX the form AND your title page (that shows the correct notice has been inserted) to the appropriate GECCO Organizer:

    ECP Authors fax to: +1-425-821-6987
    Tutorial Presenters fax to: +1-425-821-6987
Submitting Camera Ready File (PDF)

Submit your PDF file to in the appropriate category.

To upload your camera-ready PDF file, the contact author will:

    1. Log In to the Submission Site: If you are already a Submitter, PC Member, or Track Chair, enter your login and password; do NOT create a new account. If you do not already have an account on the submission system, create one by entering your email address and choosing a password. This registered user will be the contact person for the paper(s) submitted by the registered user. The registered user should enable their mail filters to allow email from
    2. Select a Paper Type (workshop, late breaking paper, ECP, or tutorial)
    3. Enter author information. If you have more than 1 author, generate additional author forms: Enter the number of additional authors you need, them click the More Authors button. Your author information is not visible to reviewers..
    4. Enter an abstract of less than 200 words.
    5. Upload your PDF file to the Submission Site.
    6. Note Paper ID. The system assigns the submitted paper an ID number. Find a paper ID on the registered user's My Submissions tab on the Submission Site. The ID is the first column. It will look something like this: lbp101g1. The registered user may return to this page at any time.

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ACM Template (Workshop and Late Breaking Papers)


Workshop and Late Breaking Papers have the same requirements and instructions.

Authors of accepted Workshop Papers or Late Breaking Papers MUST use the ACM templates, formatted for US Letter (8-1/2 x 11 inches).

The page limit is set by the category to which your submission has been accepted:

  • Workshop Paper:  8 pages maximum
  • Late Breaking Paper:  8 pages maximum


File Type Instructions
Microsoft Word
  • If you need the template, or want to start with an ACM template with the notices already inserted:
    1. RIGHT-CLICK to download the template for your type of submission:
      Papers (8 pages): ACM MS Word template with GECCO-07 copyright notice for Full Paper
    2. Insert the contents of your paper into the template containing the notice.
    3. Be sure you have included the mandatory ACM Classification sections properly on the first page of your submission after the abstract.


  • If your paper already uses the ACM template, insert the copyright or permission notice into your existing paper:
    1. RIGHT-CLICK to download the text of the notice:

      Papers (8 pages): Copyright Notice

    2. Open the file/template you downloaded
    3. Copy the text from either of the above text files
    4. Paste it into your ACM template file in the lower-left corner of the first page

  • Distill your word document using Print Quality-High Resolution settings in Adobe Acrobat.
  • Copyright Form:



ACM Template First Page Mandatory Sections

Your submission must include all of these ACM first page mandatory sections:

  • Title: Format the title of your paper so that the first letter of the main words in your title is an uppercase letter, for example:
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation and You

  • Authors: Include the following information for each author: Name, Affiliation, Address, Email address

  • Categories and Subject Descriptors: Select the category and descriptors in the ACM Computing Classification Scheme that best describe the content of your paper. Include the codes and descriptive words on the first page of your paper.

    ACM Computing Classification Scheme:
    Help on how to classify works using the ACM Computing Classification System:

  • General Terms: This section is limited to the following 16 terms. Select one of the following general terms that best describes the content of your submission: Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance, Design, Economics, Reliability, Experimentation, Security, Human Factors, Standardization, Languages, Theory, Legal Aspects, Verification.

  • Keywords: choose the terms by which would like your to be indexed. Include your choice of keywords that describe the content of your submission.

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Additional File Preparation Instructions (All Papers)

ALL papers must follow the additional file preparation instructions for images, figures, graphs, tables, charts, final layout, and PDF creation requirements.

Color Images, Figures, Graphs, Tables, Charts

Resolution: We recommend image resolution to be at least 300 or 600 dpi for quality reproduction and saved as .tif images.

Note: TIF vs JPG (JPEG) images: TIFs were (and should be created) created for pre-press applications where quality takes priority over file size. While TIFs can be compressed (LZW compression option when saving out of Photoshop, for example), no image data is lost, thus ensuring maximum quality. JPEG was designed as a compressed image format designed to keep the file size small which makes it idea for use in web graphics. To do this, the JPEG format actually deletes image data from the image. The higher the level of compression, the more data is removed. This is referred to as a lossy compression system. On a printout, the removed data tends to show up as blocky areas of a solid color. At higher resolutions (a minimum of 200 dpi ), there's usually enough data in the JPEG file for the compression artifacts to be very noticeable.

Rules/Lines: We recommend for quality reproduction of rules in your graphs, tables or charts, that the rules are at least a 0.5 pt. and black. Finer lines and points than this will not reproduce well, even if you can see them on your laser printed hardcopy when checked -- bear in mind that your laser printers have a far lower resolution than the imagesetters that will be used.

Fonts: If your figure uses custom or any non-standard font, the characters may appear differently when printed in the proceedings. Remember to check your figure creation that all fonts are embedded or included in the figure correctly.

Transparencies: If a figure or image is assembled from multiple images, the images must be embedded, layers flattened or grouped together properly in the file, not lined. Transparencies should also be flattened.

Final Page Layout

Check the final layout of your paper:

  • Page and Column Breaks: check for paragraph "widows"; that is the last line of a paragraph is at the top of a page or column. To correct paragraph widows, either tighten the previous column, or force the next-to-the-last sentence to the next page.
  • Section and Sub-section headings should remain with at least 2 lines of body text when near the end of a page or column.
ACM Adobe PDF Requirements

When you create your PDF, you must use:

  • Settings for print or high-resolution
  • Embed all fonts used

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If you have questions for problems with your camera ready file for Accepted Workshop Papers, Late Breaking Papers, Evolutionary Computation in Practice Papers, or Tutorial Notes, please contact . To ensure a quick reply to your email, please include "GECCO" in your subject line.

If you have questions or problems with your Accepted Full Paper or Poster, check the formatting instructions here or contact Lisa Tolles, Sheridan Printing Proceedings Coordinator at by phone: +1-908-213-8988 (New Jersey, USA) or via email at: with the conference name (GECCO'07) in the subject line.

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                        Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2007)
 GECCO 2006 site      GECCO 2005 site         GECCO 2004 site    
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