We greatfully acknowledge and thank the GECCO Student Travel
Grant Program donors:
Force Office of Scientific Research
National Science Foundation
Naval Research Laboratory
New Light Industries
Philips Research
Sun Microsystems |
For information concerning hotel reservations, travel discounts,
student housing, student travel grants, graduate student workshop,
proposals for workshops, proposals for additional tutorials,
late-breaking papers, and other matters, check this site.
For technical matters, email James A. Foster,
GECCO-2003 General Chair: gecco-chair@cs.uidaho.edu.
For administrative matters, email gecco@aaai.org.
This conference is administered by the American Association
for Artificial Intelligence,
445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA.
Phone: 650-328-3123. Fax: 650-321-4457.
It is operated by the International Society for Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation.
Council of Conferences