Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation
Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library
SESSION: Track: ant colony optimization and swarm intelligence
An improved multi-start particle swarm-based algorithm for protein structure comparison
Hazem Radwan Ahmed
Janice I. Glasgow
SPSO 2011: analysis of stability; local convergence; and rotation sensitivity
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi
Zbigniew Michalewicz
Identifying and exploiting the scale of a search space in particle swarm optimization
Yasser Gonzalez-Fernandez
Stephen Chen
Stepsize control on the modified bacterial foraging algorithm for constrained numerical optimization
Betania Hernández-Ocaña
Ma. Del Pilar Pozos-Parra
Efrén Mezura-Montes
A tribal ecosystem inspired algorithm (TEA) for global optimization
Ying Lin
Jing-Jing Li
Jun Zhang
Meng Wan
Energy aware virtual machine placement scheduling in cloud computing based on ant colony optimization approach
Xiao-Fang Liu
Zhi-Hui Zhan
Ke-Jing Du
Wei-Neng Chen
Consensus costs and conflict in a collective movement
Timothy Solum
Brent E. Eskridge
Ingo Schlupp
Ant colony optimization with group learning
Gunnar Völkel
Markus Maucher
Uwe Schöning
Hans A. Kestler
Anticipatory stigmergic collision avoidance under noise
Friedrich Burkhard von der Osten
Michael Kirley
Tim Miller
Differential evolution using mutation strategy with adaptive greediness degree control
Wei-Jie Yu
Jing-Jing Li
Jun Zhang
Meng Wan
Constrained multi-objective aerodynamic shape optimization via swarm intelligence
Saul Zapotecas Martinez
Alfredo Arias Montano
Carlos A. Coello Coello
Automatic path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles based on an adaptive differential evolution
Chuan-Bin Zhang
Yue-Jiao Gong
Jing-Jing Li
Ying Lin
SESSION: Track: artificial immune systems
A two-leveled hybrid dendritic cell algorithm under imprecise reasoning
Zeineb Chelly
Zied Elouedi
Clonal selection based fuzzy C-means algorithm for clustering
Simone A. Ludwig
On the runtime analysis of stochastic ageing mechanisms
Pietro S. Oliveto
Dirk Sudholt
An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems
Kevin Sim
Emma Hart
A generic finite automata based approach to implementing lymphocyte repertoire models
Johannes Textor
Katharina Dannenberg
Macie Liśkiewicz
SESSION: Track: artificial life, robotics, and evolvable hardware
Adapting to a changing environment using winner and loser effects
Jeremy Acre
Brent E. Eskridge
Nicholas Zoller
Ingo Schlupp
Evolution of biologically plausible neural networks performing a visually guided reaching task
Derrik E. Asher
Jeffrey L. Krichmar
Nicolas Oros
Evolution of honest signaling by social punishment
David Catteeuw
The Anh Han
Bernard Manderick
Automated generation of environments to test the general learning capabilities of AI agents
Oliver J. Coleman
Alan D. Blair
Jeff Clune
Evolution of communication and cooperation
Jason Fairey
Terence Soule
The evolution of kin inclusivity levels
Anya E. Johnson
Heather J. Goldsby
Sherri Goings
Charles Ofria
Overcoming deception in evolution of cognitive behaviors
Joel Lehman
Risto Miikkulainen
Encouraging creative thinking in robots improves their ability to solve challenging problems
Jingyu Li
Jed Storie
Jeff Clune
Coevolutionary learning of swarm behaviors without metrics
Wei Li
Melvin Gauci
Roderich Gross
Evolving joint-level control with digital muscles
Jared M. Moore
Philip K. McKinley
Directional communication in evolved multiagent teams
Justin K. Pugh
Skyler Goodell
Kenneth O. Stanley
Generational neuro-evolution: restart and retry for improvement
David Peter Shorten
Geoff Stuart Nitschke
A novel human-computer collaboration: combining novelty search with interactive evolution
Brian G. Woolley
Kenneth O. Stanley
Wolfpack-inspired evolutionary algorithm and a reaction-diffusion-based controller are used for pattern formation
Payam Zahadat
Thomas Schmickl
SESSION: Track: biological and biomedical applications
Multiple feature construction for effective biomarker identification and classification using genetic programming
Soha Ahmed
Mengjie Zhang
Lifeng Peng
Bing Xue
Enhancing genetic algorithm-based genome-scale metabolic network curation efficiency
Eddy J. Bautista
Ranjan Srivastava
GA-based selection of vaginal microbiome features associated with bacterial vaginosis
Joi Carter
Daniel Beck
Henry Williams
Gerry Dozier
James A. Foster
Predicting patterns of gene expression during drosophila embryogenesis
Rotem Golan
Christian Jacob
Savraj Grewal
Jörg Denzinger
Multiple graph edit distance: simultaneous topological alignment of multiple protein-protein interaction networks with an evolutionary algorithm
Rashid Ibragimov
Maximilian Malek
Jan Baumbach
Jiong Guo
SESSION: Track: digital entertainment technologies and arts
Virtual photography using multi-objective particle swarm optimization
William Barry
Brian J. Ross
Monte Mario: platforming with MCTS
Emil Juul Jacobsen
Rasmus Greve
Julian Togelius
Semantic aware methods for evolutionary art
Penousal Machado
João Correia
Automatic design of sound synthesizers as pure data patches using coevolutionary mixed-typed cartesian genetic programming
Matthieu Macret
Philippe Pasquier
EVOR: an online evolutionary algorithm for car racing games
Samadhi Nallaperuma
Frank Neumann
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi
Zbigniew Michalewicz
Evolving multimodal behavior with modular neural networks in Ms. Pac-Man
Jacob Schrum
Risto Miikkulainen
SESSION: Track: estimation of distribution algorithms
Minimal walsh structure and ordinal linkage of monotonicity-invariant function classes on bit strings
Lee A. Christie
John A.W. McCall
David P. Lonie
Solving building block problems using generative grammar
Chris R. Cox
Richard A. Watson
Estimation of distribution algorithm using factor graph and Markov blanket canonical factorization
Bentolhoda Helmi
Adel Torkaman Rahmani
Multi-objective gene-pool optimal mixing evolutionary algorithms
Ngoc Hoang Luong
Han La Poutré
Peter A.N. Bosman
Multimodality and the linkage-learning difficulty of additively separable functions
Jean P. Martins
Alexandre C.B. Delbem
SESSION: Track: evolution strategies and evolutionary programming
Comparison-based natural gradient optimization in high dimension
Youhei Akimoto
Anne Auger
Nikolaus Hansen
Halfspace sampling in evolution strategies
Chun-Kit Au
Ho-Fung Leung
Handling sharp ridges with local supremum transformations
Tobias Glasmachers
A computationally efficient limited memory CMA-ES for large scale optimization
Ilya Loshchilov
SESSION: Track: evolutionary combinatorial optimization and metaheuristics
Evolutionary algorithms for overlapping correlation clustering
Carlos E. Andrade
Mauricio G.C. Resende
Howard J. Karloff
Flávio K. Miyazawa
On the efficiency of worst improvement for climbing NK-landscapes
Matthieu Basseur
Adrien Goëffon
Socially inspired algorithms for the travelling thief problem
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi
Zbigniew Michalewicz
Michal Roman Przybylek
Adam Wierzbicki
NSGA-II with iterated greedy for a bi-objective three-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem
Saulo Cunha Campos
José Elias Claudio Arroyo
Efficient identification of improving moves in a ball for pseudo-boolean problems
Francisco Chicano
Darrell Whitley
Andrew M. Sutton
A hybrid incremental genetic algorithm for subgraph isomorphism problem
HyukGeun Choi
JinHyun Kim
Byung-Ro Moon
Data-driven local optima network characterization of QAPLIB instances
David Iclanzan
Fabio Daolio
Marco Tomassini
A heuristic approach to schedule reoptimization in the context of interactive optimization
David Meignan
Static vs. dynamic populations in genetic algorithms for coloring a dynamic graph
Cara Monical
Forrest Stonedahl
A comprehensive benchmark set and heuristics for the traveling thief problem
Sergey Polyakovskiy
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi
Markus Wagner
Zbigniew Michalewicz
Frank Neumann
Performance of metropolis algorithm for the minimum weight code word problem
Ajitha Shenoy K B
Somenath Biswas
Piyush P. Kurur
Asymmetric quadratic landscape approximation model
Alexandru-Adrian Tantar
Emilia Tantar
Oliver Schütze
Generalized asymmetric partition crossover (GAPX) for the asymmetric TSP
Renato Tinós
Darrell Whitley
Gabriela Ochoa
Revised analysis of the (1+1) ea for the minimum spanning tree problem
Carsten Witt
SESSION: Track: evolutionary machine learning
Simultaneous generation of prototypes and features through genetic programming
Mauricio Garcia-Limon
Hugo Jair Escalante
Eduardo Morales
Alicia Morales-Reyes
Salient object detection using learning classifiersystems that compute action mappings
Muhammad Iqbal
Syed S. Naqvi
Will N. Browne
Christopher Hollitt
Mengjie Zhang
SAX-EFG: an evolutionary feature generation framework for time series classification
Uday Kamath
Jessica Lin
Kenneth De Jong
Evolving deep unsupervised convolutional networks for vision-based reinforcement learning
Jan Koutník
Juergen Schmidhuber
Faustino Gomez
Three-cornered coevolution learning classifier systems for classification tasks
Syahaneim Marzukhi
Will N. Browne
Mengjie Zhang
Complete action map or best action map in accuracy-based reinforcement learning classifier systems
Masaya Nakata
Pier Luca Lanzi
Tim Kovacs
Keiki Takadama
A modified XCS classifier system for sequence labeling
Masaya Nakata
Tim Kovacs
Keiki Takadama
A memetic algorithm to select training data for support vector machines
Jakub Nalepa
Michal Kawulok
SESSION: Track: evolutionary multiobjective optimization
Steady state IBEA assisted by MLP neural networks for expensive multi-objective optimization problems
Nessrine Azzouz
Slim Bechikh
Lamjed Ben Said
Two-dimensional subset selection for hypervolume and epsilon-indicator
Karl Bringmann
Tobias Friedrich
Patrick Klitzke
Improving many-objective optimization performance by sequencing evolutionary algorithms
Martin Dohr
Bernd Eichberger
Efficiently identifying pareto solutions when objective values change
Jonathan E. Fieldsend
Richard M. Everson
The parameter optimization of kalman filter based on multi-objective memetic algorithm
Yu Dan Huo
Zhi Hua Cai
Wen Yin Gong
Qin Liu
A framework for the study of preference incorporation in multiobjective evolutionary algorithms
Raluca Iordache
Serban Iordache
Florica Moldoveanu
Controlling selection area of useful infeasible solutions and their archive for directed mating in evolutionary constrained multiobjective optimization
Minami Miyakawa
Keiki Takadama
Hiroyuki Sato
Hypervolume-based local search in multi-objective evolutionary optimization
Martin Pilát
Roman Neruda
Inverted PBI in MOEA/D and its impact on the search performance on multi and many-objective optimization
Hiroyuki Sato
Hybridization of electromagnetism with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for RCPSP
Jing Xiao
Zhou Wu
Jian-Chao Tang
An improved NSGA-III procedure for evolutionary many-objective optimization
Yuan Yuan
Hua Xu
Bo Wang
Evolutionary many-objective optimization using ensemble fitness ranking
Yuan Yuan
Hua Xu
Bo Wang
SESSION: Track: generative and developmental systems
There and back again: gene-processing hardware for the evolution and robotic deployment of robust navigation strategies
David M. Bryson
Aaron P. Wagner
Charles Ofria
Evolving neural networks that are both modular and regular: HyperNEAT plus the connection cost technique
Joost Huizinga
Jeff Clune
Jean-Baptiste Mouret
Trading control intelligence for physical intelligence: muscle drives in evolved virtual creatures
Dan Lessin
Don Fussell
Risto Miikkulainen
Guided self-organization in indirectly encoded and evolving topographic maps
Sebastian Risi
Kenneth O. Stanley
Some distance measures for morphological diversification in generative evolutionary robotics
Eivind Samuelsen
Kyrre Glette
Growth in co-evolution of sensory system and signal processing for optimal wing control
Olga Smalikho
Markus Olhofer
Novelty search creates robots with general skills for exploration
Roby Velez
Jeff Clune
A continuous developmental model for wind farm layout optimization
Dennis Wilson
Sylvain Cussat-Blanc
Kalyan Veeramachaneni
Una-May O'Reilly
Hervé Luga
SESSION: Track: genetic algorithms
Monotonic functions in EC: anything but monotone!
`Sylvain Colin
Benjamin Doerr
Gaspard Férey
Adaptive-surrogate based on a neuro-fuzzy network and granular computing
Israel Cruz-Vega
Mauricio Garcia-Limon
Hugo Jair Escalante
Unbiased black-box complexities of jump functions: how to cross large plateaus
Benjamin Doerr
Carola Doerr
Timo Kötzing
Runtime analysis for maximizing population diversity in single-objective optimization
Wanru Gao
Frank Neumann
Parameter-less population pyramid
Brian W. Goldman
William F. Punch
Genetic algorithm for sampling from scale-free data and networks
Pavel Krömer
Jan Platoš
Stochastic tunneling transformation during selection in genetic algorithm
Benjamin E. Mayer
Kay Hamacher
A fixed budget analysis of randomized search heuristics for the traveling salesperson problem
Samadhi Nallaperuma
Frank Neumann
Dirk Sudholt
From fitness landscape to crossover operator choice
Stjepan Picek
Domagoj Jakobovic
Evolving QWOP gaits
Steven Ray
Vahl Scott Gordon
Laurent Vaucher
Search for maximal snake-in-the-box using new genetic algorithm
Kim-Hang Ruiz
Feedback control for multi-modal optimization using genetic algorithms
Jun Shi
Ole J. Mengshoel
Dipan K. Pal
A bilevel optimization approach to automated parameter tuning
Ankur Sinha
Pekka Malo
Peng Xu
Kalyanmoy Deb
Learning the structure of large-scale bayesian networks using genetic algorithm
Fatemeh Vafaee
Among-site rate variation: adaptation of genetic algorithm mutation rates at each single site
Fatemeh Vafaee
Gyorgy Turan
Peter C. Nelson
Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf
Efficient global optimization for combinatorial problems
Martin Zaefferer
Jörg Stork
Martina Friese
Andreas Fischbach
Boris Naujoks
Thomas Bartz-Beielstein
SESSION: Track: genetic programming
Multiple regression genetic programming
Ignacio Arnaldo
Krzysztof Krawiec
Una-May O'Reilly
GPU-parallel subtree interpreter for genetic programming
Alberto Cano
Sebastian Ventura
Kaizen programming
Vinícius Veloso De Melo
On size, complexity and generalisation error in GP
Jeannie Fitzgerald
Conor Ryan
Asynchronously evolving solutions with excessively different evaluation time by reference-based evaluation
Tomohiro Harada
Keiki Takadama
Word count as a traditional programming benchmark problem for genetic programming
Thomas Helmuth
Lee Spector
Evolving "less-myopic" scheduling rules for dynamic job shop scheduling with genetic programming
Rachel Hunt
Mark Johnston
Mengjie Zhang
Behavioral programming: a broader and more detailed take on semantic GP
Krzysztof Krawiec
Una-May O'Reilly
Utilization of reductions and abstraction elimination in typed genetic programming
Tomáš Křen
Roman Neruda
Improving 3D medical image registration CUDA software with genetic programming
William B. Langdon
Marc Modat
Justyna Petke
Mark Harman
Grammar-based genetic programming with dependence learning and bayesian network classifier
Pak-Kan Wong
Leung-Yau Lo
Man-Leung Wong
Kwong-Sak Leung
SESSION: Track: integrative genetic and evolutionary computation
Neuro-evolutionary topology optimization of structures by utilizing local state features
Nikola Aulig
Markus Olhofer
Evolutionary algorithms and artificial immune systems on a bi-stable dynamic optimisation problem
Thomas Jansen
Christine Zarges
Derivative free optimization using a population-based stochastic gradient estimator
Azhar Khayrattee
Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos
A novel population-based multi-objective CMA-ES and the impact of different constraint handling techniques
Silvio Rodrigues
Pavol Bauer
Peter A.N. Bosman
Use of explicit memory in the dynamic traveling salesman problem
Renato Tinós
Darrell Whitley
Adele Howe
SESSION: Track: parallel evolutionary systems
Solving GA-hard problems with EMMRS and GPGPUs
J. Ignacio hidalgo
J. Manuel Colmenar
Jose L. Risco-Martín
Carlos Sánchez-Lacruz
Juan Lanchares
Oscar Garnica
Josefa Díaz
Towards highly optimized cartesian genetic programming: from sequential via SIMD and thread to massive parallel implementation
Radek Hrbacek
Lukas Sekanina
GPU-accelerated evolutionary design of the complete exchange communication on wormhole networks
Jiri Jaros
Radek Tyrala
MapReduce-based optimization of overlay networks using particle swarm optimization
Simone A. Ludwig
Enhancing parallel cooperative trajectory based metaheuristics with path relinking
Gabriel Luque
Enrique Alba
Design and analysis of adaptive migration intervals in parallel evolutionary algorithms
Andrea Mambrini
Dirk Sudholt
An implicitly parallel EDA based on restricted boltzmann machines
Malte Probst
Franz Rothlauf
Jörn Grahl
SESSION: Track: real world applications
Playing regex golf with genetic programming
Alberto Bartoli
Andrea De Lorenzo
Eric Medvet
Fabiano Tarlao
The tradeoffs between data delivery ratio and energy costs in wireless sensor networks: a multi-objectiveevolutionary framework for protocol analysis
Doina Bucur
Giovanni Iacca
Giovanni Squillero
Alberto Tonda
Automated vibrational design and natural frequency tuning of multi-material structures
Nicholas Cheney
Ethan Ritz
Hod Lipson
Hierarchical simulation for complex domains: air traffic flow management
William Curran
Adrian Agogino
Kagan Tumer
Using an adaptive invasion-based model for fast range image registration
Ivanoe De Falco
Antonio Della Cioppa
Domenico Maisto
Umberto Scafuri
Ernesto Tarantino
Recognizing planar kinematic mechanisms from a single image using evolutionary computation
Matthew Eicholtz
Levent Burak Kara
Jason Lohn
Passive solar building design using genetic programming
Mohammad M.O. Gholami
Brian J. Ross
Quantum inspired genetic algorithm for community structure detection in social networks
Shikha Gupta
Sheetal Taneja
Naveen Kumar
Evolved spacecraft trajectories for low earth orbit
David W. Hinckley, Jr.
Karol Zieba
Darren L. Hitt
Margaret J. Eppstein
Dynamic multi-dimensional PSO with indirect encoding for proportional fair constrained resource allocation
Jonathan Hudson
Majid Ghaderi
Jörg Denzinger
Genetic algorithms and deep learning for automatic painter classification
Erez Levy
Omid E. David
Nathan S. Netanyahu
Lithology discrimination using seismic elastic attributes: a genetic fuzzy classifier approach
Eric da Silva Praxedes
Adriano Soares Koshiyama
Elita Selmara Abreu
Douglas Mota Dias
Marley Maria Bernardes Rebuzzi Vellasco
Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco
Evolutionary parameter estimation for a theory of planned behaviour microsimulation of alcohol consumption dynamics in an English birth cohort 2003 to 2010
Robin C. Purshouse
Abdallah K. Ally
Alan Brennan
Daniel Moyo
Paul Norman
Evolutionary algorithms for classification of malware families through different network behaviors
M. Zubair Rafique
Ping Chen
Christophe Huygens
Wouter Joosen
Multi-objective routing optimisation for battery-powered wireless sensor mesh networks
Alma As-Aad Mohammad Rahat
Richard M. Everson
Jonathan E. Fieldsend
Applying GA with local search by taking hamming distances into consideration to credit erasure processing problems
Yuji Sato
Yusuke Oku
Masanori Fukuda
Genetic algorithm-based solver for very large multiple jigsaw puzzles of unknown dimensions and piece orientation
Dror Sholomon
Omid E. David
Nathan S. Netanyahu
On homogenization of coal in longitudinal blending beds
Pradyumn Kumar Shukla
Michael P. Cipold
Claus Bachmann
Hartmut Schmeck
Eco-friendly reduction of travel times in european smart cities
Daniel H. Stolfi
Enrique Alba
Evolutionary agent-based simulation of the introduction of new technologies in air traffic management
Logan Yliniemi
Adrian K. Agogino
Kagan Tumer
Tuning multi-objective optimization algorithms for cyclone dust separators
Martin Zaefferer
Beate Breiderhoff
Boris Naujoks
Martina Friese
Jörg Stork
Andreas Fischbach
Oliver Flasch
Thomas Bartz-Beielstein
SESSION: Track: search based software engineering
Improved heuristics for solving OCL constraints using search algorithms
Shaukat Ali
Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal
Andrea Arcuri
Surrogate-assisted optimisation of composite applications in mobile ad hoc networks
Dionysios Efstathiou
Peter McBurney
Steffen Zschaler
Johann Bourcier
Robust next release problem: handling uncertainty during optimization
Lingbo Li
Mark Harman
Emmanuel Letier
Yuanyuan Zhang
A parallel evolutionary algorithm for prioritized pairwise testing of software product lines
Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon
Javier Javier Ferrer
Francisco Chicano
Evelyn Nicole Haslinger
Alexander Egyed
Enrique Alba
High dimensional search-based software engineering: finding tradeoffs among 15 objectives for automating software refactoring using NSGA-III
Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
Marouane Kessentini
Slim Bechikh
Kalyanmoy Deb
Mel Ó Cinnéide
Comparing search techniques for finding subtle higher order mutants
Elmahdi Omar
Sudipto Ghosh
Darrell Whitley
Generating structured test data with specific properties using nested Monte-Carlo search
Simon Poulding
Robert Feldt
On the performance of multiple objective evolutionary algorithms for software architecture discovery
Aurora Ramírez
José Raúl Romero
Sebastián Ventura
Applying search algorithms for optimizing stakeholders familiarity and balancing workload in requirements assignment
Tao Yue
Shaukat Ali
SESSION: Track: self-* search
Fair-share ILS: a simple state-of-the-art iterated local search hyperheuristic
Steven Adriaensen
Tim Brys
Ann Nowé
A grammatical evolution based hyper-heuristic for the automatic design of split criteria
Márcio Porto Basgalupp
Rodrigo Coelho Barros
Tiago Barabasz
Generic parameter control with reinforcement learning
Giorgos Karafotias
Agoston Endre Eiben
Mark Hoogendoorn
Evolvability metrics in adaptive operator selection
Jorge A. Soria Alcaraz
Gabriela Ochoa
Martin Carpio
Hector Puga
On the pathological behavior of adaptive differential evolution on hybrid objective functions
Ryoji Tanabe
Alex S. Fukunaga
Analysis of evolutionary algorithms using multi-objective parameter tuning
Roberto Ugolotti
Stefano Cagnoni
Online model racing based on extreme performance
Tiantian Zhang
Michael Georgiopoulos
Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos
SESSION: Track: theory
Evolution under partial information
Duc-Cuong Dang
Per Kristian Lehre
Refined upper bounds on the expected runtime of non-elitist populations from fitness-levels
Duc-Cuong Dang
Per Kristian Lehre
The impact of random initialization on the runtime of randomized search heuristics
Benjamin Doerr
Carola Doerr
Robustness of populations in stochastic environments
Christian Gießen
Timo Kötzing
Concentration of first hitting times under additive drift
Timo Kötzing
MMAS vs. population-based EA on a family of dynamic fitness functions
Andrei Lissovoi
Carsten Witt
Model-optimal optimization by solving bellman equations
Alan J. Lockett
A theoretical analysis of volume based Pareto front approximations
Pradyumn Kumar Shukla
Nadja Doll
Hartmut Schmeck
Gaussian mixture model of evolutionary algorithms
Bo Song
Victor O.K. Li
Superpolynomial lower bounds for the (1+1) EA on some easy combinatorial problems
Andrew M. Sutton
Runtime analysis to compare best-improvement and first-improvement in memetic algorithms
Kuai Wei
Michael J. Dinneen
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