Best paper award winners

Track: Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence - ACO+SI

SPSO2011 - Analysis of stability, local convergence, and rotation sensitivity
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi, Zbigniew Michalewicz (The University of Adelaide)

Track: Artificial Immune Systems - AIS

On the Runtime Analysis of Stochastic Ageing Mechanisms
Pietro S. Oliveto, Dirk Sudholt (The University of Sheffield)

Track: Artificial Life, Robotics, and Evolvable Hardware - ALIFE

A Novel Human-Computer Collaboration: Combining Novelty Search with Interactive Evolution
Brian Woolley (Air Force Institute of Technology), Kenneth Stanley (University of Central Florida)

Track: Digital Entertainment and Arts - DETA

Evolving Multimodal Behavior With Modular Neural Networks in Ms. Pac-Man
Jacob Schrum, Risto Miikkulainen (University of Texas at Austin)

Track: Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics - ECOM

Revised Analysis of the (1+1) EA for the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
Carsten Witt (Technical University of Denmark)

Track: Evolutionary Machine Learning - EML

Salient Object Detection Using Learning Classifier Systems that Compute Action Mappings
Muhammad Iqbal, Syed Naqvi, Will Neil Browne, Christopher Hollitt, Mengjie Zhang
(Victoria University of Wellington)

Track: Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization - EMO

Inverted PBI in MOEA/D and its Impact on the Search Performance on Multi and Many-Objective Optimization
Hiroyuki Sato
(The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo)

Track: Genetic Algorithms - GA

Parameter-less Population Pyramid
Brian W. Goldman, William F. Punch (Michigan State University)

Track: Genetic Programming - GP

Behavioral Programming: A Broader and More Detailed Take on Semantic GP
Krzysztof Krawiec (Poznan University of Technology), Una-May O'Reilly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Track: Parallel Evolutionary Systems - PES

Design and Analysis of Adaptive Migration Intervals in Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms
Andrea Mambrini (University of Birmingham), Dirk Sudholt (University of Sheffield)

Track: Real World Applications - RWA

Multi-Objective Routing Optimisation for Battery Powered Wireless Sensor Mesh Networks
Jonathan Edward Fieldsend, Richard Everson, Alma As-Aad, Mohammad Rahat (University of Exeter)


Companion proceedings
Conference program
Call for Papers


Paper submission is closed.  Authors of successful submissions have been notified and the full conference program will be available shortly.

Best Paper Nominations


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