Evolutionary Computation in Practice

...dedicated to the discussion of issues related to the practical application of EC

Session 1: Academic Aspects

Well-known speakers with outstanding reputation in academia and industry present background and insider information on how to establish reliable cooperation with industrial partners. If you are working in academia and are interested in managing industrial projects, you will receive valuable hints for your own research projects.

Session 2: Optimization in Industry

In this session industry speakers will be presenting. They actually run companies in the field of optimization and applied statistics. If you attend, you will learn multiple ways to extend EC practice beyond the approaches found in textbooks.

Experts in real-world optimization with decades of experience share their approaches to creating successful projects for real-world clients. Some of what they do is based on sound project management principles, and some is specific to our type of optimization projects. In this session a panel of experts describes a range of techniques you can use to identify, design, manage, and successfully complete an EA project for a client.

Session 3: Getting a Job

This lively session consists of a panel of experts with decades of real-world application experience answering questions posed by attendees of the session. In the past, we have always had two or three discussions on industrial problems that lie on the cutting edge of EA development. This session gives you the opportunity to get free consulting from the experts!

Getting a job with training in evolutionary computation can be much easier if you know the things to do and the things not to do in your last year or two of study. In this session you will hear from a panel of experts who have trained students and who have hired students to carry out real-world optimization. Highly recommended if you will be looking for a job in the next few years --  or if you are thinking of changing jobs.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, SPOTSeven Lab, Cologne, Germany.
Dr. Anna I. Esparcia, S2 Grupo, Spain.
Dr. Jörn Mehnen, Cranfield University, UK.



ECiP 2014 Sessions. Tuesday 15th July. Room: Port Hardy




S-1: Academic aspects

How to establish & continue cooperation with industrial partners

10:40- 12:20

Ask the Experts

  • 10:40-10:50 T. Bartz-Beielstein “Intro: How to start a company”
  • 10:50-11:00 S. Gustafson “Research Projects at GE Global Research”
  • 11:00-11:10 M. Affenzeller: “Establishing Applied Research Projects”
  • 11:10-11:20 E. and A. Tantar: Project “Programmable Communication Networks”
  • Discussion: Establishing cooperations

S-2: Optimisation in Industry

Best practice

Talks & Discussions

14:00- 15:40

Case Studies

  • 14:00-14:15: E. Goodman “Red cedar technology”
  • 14:15 -14:45: C. Coello “Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization in Real-World Applications”
  • 14:45-15:10: T. Bäck “Divis - Intelligent Industry Solutions”
  • 15:10-15:40: M. Affenzeller: “HeuristicLab: Simulation based optimization”

S-3: Getting a Job:

What to do and what not to do

16:10- 17:50

Open panel discussion

  • 16.10-16.30 R. Capone “Publish or Perish: How to write a research paper"
  • 16:30 Discussion: Job perspectives


  • M. Affenzeller (Research group HEAL)
  • T. Bäck (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science)
  • T. Bartz-Beielstein (Bartz & Bartz GmbH)
  • R. Capone (Elsevier Science)
  • C. Coello (CINVESTAV-IPN)
  • E. Goodman (BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action)
  • S. Gustafson (GE Global Research)
  • B. Sendhoff (Honda Research Institute Europe)
  • E. and A. Tantar (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust)



Session 1: Academic Aspects
Session 2: Optimization in Industry
Session 3: Getting a Job
ECiP 2014 Sessions
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