
   For Students

The final list of received applications and their recevability status of the respective applications can be downloaded from here." A decision has been made and a we are in the phase of CONFIRMATION WITH AWARDEES until Friday, May 10th.

All applicants should have received a notification email on the status of their application, in case a notification email on the status of your applications did not reach you and/or you do not find your name on the lists and you applied for a student travel grant, do not hesitate to contact me (Emilia Tantar, ) so as to check the status of your request.

Student Travel Award Application Form has been closed

Why come to GECCO as a student?

GECCO offers a unique opportunity to increase your career profile by learning, competing, publishing and not last by getting financed for doing so. In details:

increase your potential through the FREE tutorials provided during the conference, ranging from introductory to advanced and specialized tutorials.
Every year, new domains are covered and new insights provided. Check-out the full description on the Tutorials webpage or have a look at the Tutorials Chair message ;
be part of the competitions and reveal your potential;
have the chance to win a best student paper award, besides the best paper awards offered for regular submissions;
GECCO offers support through traveling scholarships;
additionally if you are a woman student at the Bachelor, Master or PhD level, you can apply for the ACM-W grants;
increase your career profile through the internships and opportunities advertised at GECCO.

If you need help in finding your place at GECCO or on student related activities and opportunities, do not hesitate to contact me (Emilia Tantar, ) and I will support you on the way. In order to ease the process, please specify in the subject line [Student GECCO 2013].

GECCO Student Travel Grants

Important Deadlines:

March 15, Friday Student grants application starts.

April 29, Monday

Student grants application closes: deadline, sorry no more applications allowed after this date.

May 6, Monday

Student grants notifications to students: you will know if you are
supported to travel.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: First priority will be given to students with accepted full reviewed papers.
Also workshop papers and posters can increase your chances; thus proceed with the registration only AFTER receiving the notification of acceptance for one or several of your submissions. All full-time students are welcome to apply.

How to Apply

To apply for a student travel award:

Submit an online application by the deadline. The link to the application will be posted on this page when applications open.
Input estimated travel and lodging expenses in your application (travel and lodging)
Submit proof of full-time student status (a clear, readable photocopy of valid student ID)

Your application is NOT complete until you submit your proof of student status. Proof of full time student status can be a scan of your student ID, or a letter or other document from your professor or university that states you are a full time student. A copy of your class schedule is not a valid form of proof.

Covered Expenses

Acceptable reimbursable expenses are the expenses of traveling, which include:

Transportation: air travel, other transportation to and/or from the conference, such as taxi, train, bus, car rental

Lodging: hotel/hostel/guest house or student dorm


Conference expenses which are NOT reimbursed by student travel awards include the conference registration fee.

Claiming an Award

As a condition of acceptance, travel award recipients will be required to submit (after the conference) a report of the expenses, with the original receipts included, to ACM. Detailed information will be sent by ACM to travel recipients after the notification. Please note it can take 3-6 weeks for you to receive your check from ACM headquarters.

More About Original Receipts

AIR TRAVEL RECEIPTS: The easiest way to supply original receipts is to provide the receipt for your airline travel.

If you purchased your airline ticket over the Internet, you must submit the PRINTOUT of YOUR EMAIL RECEIPT AND your ORIGINAL BOARDING PASS from the city where your travel begins.

TYPES of RECEIPTS: acceptable receipts, other than for airline travel, include food, lodging, and other transportation (taxi, bus). NO copies are accepted.

DATES on RECEIPTS: Receipts other than for your airline tickets must have a date that coincides with traveling to or from the conference, or on conference days. For example, since GECCO 2013 will be held from July 06 through July 10, 2013, receipts other than for airline travel must be dated between July 05, 2013 and July 11, 2013.

INVALID RECEIPTS: Your conference registration fee is NOT reimbursable.

Please take the time to understand the following:

The ACM will NOT, under ANY circumstances, release a check without the proper original receipts. There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to this ACM rule.


ACM -W Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences

Important Deadlines:
Applications due by: April 15, 2013
Notification on: April 28, 2013

Target audience:
ACM-W provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Science and related programs to attend research conferences. This exposure to the CS research world can encourage a student to continue on to the next level (Undergraduate to Graduate, Masters to Ph.D., Ph.D. to an industry or academic position). The student does not have to present a paper at the conference she attends.

Offered support:
The ACM-W/Wipro funds are open to all women students, and are divided between scholarships of up to $600 for intra-continental conference travel, and scholarships of up to $1200 for intercontinental conference travel. The ACM-W/Microsoft scholarships are available to European nationals, and include conference registration plus an additional $600 for intra-continental travel or $1200 for intercontinental conference travel.

Application and selection:
In order for an application to be considered for an award, each applicant must set up a free ACM web account in order to complete the application. During the application process, GECCO should be selected as conference choice. For further details on the scholarships, please refer to the ACM-W Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences page (

In order to get a glimpse of the ACM-W scholarship experience, you may refer to the testimonial of the ACM-W/Wipro Scholar, attending GECCO in 2012, available here (


Students Workshop

Students have the possibility to present their work on a dedicated Student Workshop. For more information on the workshop itself, submission, and related deadlines see

Student Housing

Hotel Nicolaas Witsen
Nicolaas Witsenstraat 4
1017 ZH  Amsterdam
T: +31(0)20 6266546              
F: +31(0)20 6205113

People can book through the website:

Coupon Code is: acm2013

PLEASE NOTE: It has to be booked prior to June 14 (cutoff date)





Student Travel Grants

ACM's Women in Computing Scholarships
Students Workshop
Student Housing




GECCO 2012 site      GECCO 2011 site    GECCO 2010 site    GECCO 2009 site   GECCO 2008 site       GECCO 2007 site     GECCO 2006 site
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