The Track Chairs, Editor in Chief, and the Conference Chair nominated the papers that received the most nominations from Program Committee members and/or the highest evaluation scores for consideration by the conference. Best Paper winners were determined by ballot vote by attendees.

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Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence
An Ant-Based Algorithm for Finding Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree
      Thang N. Bui, Catherine M. Zrncic

Artificial Immune Systems
Applicability Issues of the Real-Valued Negative Selection Algorithms
      Zhou Ji, Dipankar Dasgupta

Artificial Life, Evolutionary Robotics, Adaptive Behavior
A Method for Parameter Calibration and Relevance Estimation in Evolutionary Algorithms
      Volker Nannen, A.E. Eiben

Combination of Tracks
Probabilistic Modeling for Continuous EDA with Boltzmann Selection and Kullback-Leibeler Divergence (Estimation of Distribution Algorithms Track)
      Yunpeng Cai , Xiaomin Sun , Peifa Jia

Biological Applications
Genetic Programming for Human Oral Bioavailability of Drugs
      Francesco Archetti , Stefano Lanzeni , Enza Messina , Leonardo Vanneschi

The Effects of Interaction Frequency on the Optimization Performance of Cooperative Coevolution
      Elena Popovici, Kenneth De Jong

Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming
On the Local Performance of Simulated Annealing and the (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm
      Thomas Jansen, Ingo Wegener

Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization
A New Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the k-cardinality Tree Problem
      Christian Blum

Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
On The Effect of Populations in Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
      Oliver Giel , Per Kristian Lehre

Genetic Algorithms
Comparing Evolutionary and Temporal Difference Methods in a Reinforcement Learning Domain
      Matthew E. Taylor , Shimon Whiteson , Peter Stone

Genetic Programming
Alternative Evolutionary Algorithms for Evolving Programs
      Darrell Whitley , Ross Beveridge , Marc Richards , Andre Barreto

Learning Classifier Systems and other Genetics-Based Machine Learning
Classifier Prediction based on Tile Coding
      Pier Luca Lanzi , Daniele Loiacono , Stewart W Wilson , David E Goldberg

Real-World Applications

Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Multiscaling Excited State Direct Dynamics in Photochemistry
      Kumara Sastry , D. D. Johnson , Alexis L. Thompson , David E. Goldberg , Todd J. Martinez , Jeff Leiding , Jane Owens

Search-Based Software Engineering
Search-based Determination of Refactorings for Improving the Class Structure of Object-Oriented Systems
      Olaf Seng, Johannes Stammel, David Burkhart

One Conference: Many "Mini-Conferences"
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2006)
GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO). ACM SIG Services: 1515 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036, USA, 1-800-342-6626 (USA and Canada) or +212-626-0500 (Global)